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How long do they sleep after eating?


New member
My corn arrived yesterday and he drank water for about two minutes and then I fed him. He went to sleep right after being fed at about 1:00pm and is still asleep and it is 12:00pm the next day. I'm almost positive he hasn't come out. I was just wondering if this is normal. :confused:
Just because he is in his hiding place doesn't mean that he's sleeping. Corns often go find a warm, comfortable, safe place to digest their meals for a couple of days. There's nothing for you to worry about.
Yep mine used to go into striking-mode right after I fed him/her. Although he/she still does that, it knows that that weird pink-like thingy is my hand and it uses it as a branch to get out of his/her feeding-box(or something like that). I let him/her do that because I know I shouldn't pick it up after a meal. I let him/her do it him/herself so it causes less stress, which reduses the chance of a regurge.
yes it is perfectly normal for a corn to lay around for a few days after eating, think about it! if you ate a meal that size all youd wanna do is take a nice loooong nap!:cheers:
Hi Ford, welcome to the world of Corns! Don't forget that Corns are active mainly around dawn and dusk - you don't tend to see them moving about too much during the day.

Also as a new arrival, your Corn is likely to lay low while he figures things out. He'll get more adventurous as he settles in. Now that he's eaten, it'd be a good idea to leave him in peace for a few days (I know, it's really difficult!).
Mine is doing the same thing. Following two mice yesterday she's not been out of her cave since.
I think she feels safe in there.
You'll probably know if your corn has been out of the hide if you find a poop somewhere else in the viv. Mine never poops in here hides.
If I had your experience to do over, my first suggestion would be not to feed the new arrival for a few days so he can learn his new surroundings. Since you have, just let him digest. Handle him after you see a poop, and welcome to the forums!
Most of mine are the exact opposite of that! They get MORE active after eating. Takes them about an half hour or so to go hide haha.
I have a question, can you see the poop clearly in the aspen ? Because I haven't seen a poop yet and I've had her for a week
I have a question, can you see the poop clearly in the aspen ? Because I haven't seen a poop yet and I've had her for a week

If she's a little baby, it might be hard to spot (their poop is really tiny). It should look like a little dark brown/black that clumps in the aspen.