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How long should my Angus stay in his feeding tank?


New member
I put Angus in his small tank for feedings. How long do I leave him in there after he eats, before returning to his big house? Thanks
You'll see the meal stop moving roughly 1/3 of the way down his body, in the stomach. At that point it is okay to move him back home.
You'll see the meal stop moving roughly 1/3 of the way down his body, in the stomach. At that point it is okay to move him back home.

I did that once, and he thought my hand was food. At this point he thinks that everything that moves is food (this is only when he eats his first pinkie) So now i feed him inside his tank so i wont deal with getting bit. He know's his feeding day is thursday, and so up until now i have no problem feeding him in his tank. So im guessing that is only with some snakes?
If your snake thinks everything that moves is food, let him sit 30-60 minutes to cool down after feeding, or if it's an adult, you can move him with a hook. I have a few that I have to handle like that- especially the expectant mommies!
My boa and two of my corns can not be touched for at least 30 minutes after a meal or yes they will promptly strike and gnaw, but as long as his meal is down just move him back gently:)
I have been leaving him in the feeding tank 24 hours. That's what the teacher who previously owned him told me. No wonder he seems mad when I get him out! Poor guy.Thanks for the info.
LOL, yeah 24 hrs. is a tad long if he's eaten especially without heat. Just watch the food go down- when it stops if he's calm scoop him up if he lunges at you give him 30 min. or so:)
I did put his light over his feeding tank along with a hidey place ( I mean his red light). But the last time I went to get him out, he had turned over his hide, and he was rattling his tail at me when I got him out. I could tell he was upset. That is what brought on the question of time. Thanks for your help!!
He might have been a bit too warm, with a light heating a small space like a feeding tank. Being too hot can make them antsy as well (also it's quite dangerous for them).

Sounds like the faster move back to his usual accommodation, should sort the issues out.
My feeding tub does not have a lid. When I see them try and get out I move them into their viv. If your snake still acts hungry after it eats, feed it more. Both of mine are ready to go back into their home to digest after a meal. On occasion they will seem like they are expecting more food, but I don't let it bother me. They have yet to strike me (though I'm sure the day will come soon).
If your snake still acts hungry after it eats, feed it more.
I would really have to disagree with that.

Snakes eat and then go into "hunting mode" as an automatic reflex. In the wild they're opportunistic feeders. They'll eat anything they can because they don't know when the next meal is arriving. If they find one mouse, there may be more in the area so it makes sense to continue to hunt for them.

In captivity, you can't respond to this behaviour by feeding on demand - you'll end up with a chubby. Flab is hard to shift and a fat snake is an unhealthy one.

Decide on a feeding regime and stick to it. A Corn will usually "act hungry" immediately after eating, as it's just what they're programmed to do for survival. It's a redundant behaviour in captivity.
If your snake thinks everything that moves is food, let him sit 30-60 minutes to cool down after feeding, or if it's an adult, you can move him with a hook. I have a few that I have to handle like that- especially the expectant mommies!

Thanks for the info Nanci
Another option if your snake is cranky when you are trying to put them back would be to just not touch them. Zelda has never given us attitude after eating, but when we put her back after eating we do it differently. After the food is all the way down to where it is going to go in her stomach, I pick up her feeding bin with her inside. I bring the feeding bin to her tank from where I am feeding her at. Then I open the lid and position a corner of the feeding bin so that she can crawl out and into her tank. Maybe a similar method could help.
Except be careful if you do that. I have a couple snakes that come shooting out the second I open the lid of the feeding bin and go flying. Once Draco went over the back of his viv and dropped down to the floor under the table/shelf. In the dark. Luckily, I reacted so fast he didn't have time to run. Other snakes stick like glue and don't want to come out! It's safe if you can lower the whole feeding bin down into the viv.