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How long?


New member
Just got 2 new guys over the last week or so....

I know one ate, but Im not sure on the other one, and they should eat today/yesterday but failed both days......I tried the method in Love's book with no good results.....I only have a 15 day guarentee from the petstore, so how long can it take for them to properly take the pinkies? or is their stubbroness just a poor sign?
I'm curious....how are you sure one ate, but not sure about the other one??? Are you housing them together??

Corns in a new environment can go off feed for several weeks or even months. The stress of moving, a new surrounding, and handling can stop the feeding response for a bit. Basically, a 15 day guarantee with a snake is a crap shoot, some will eat immediately, some take a couple weeks, and some may never eat. It's up to you to decide what you should do. :shrugs:
If you do a search in the 'Health Problems/Feeding Problems' forum for problem feeders, or if you just look around the first or second page of that forum, you will find a great number of suggestions dealing with this issue.