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How Much Bedding?


New member
The tank im getting is going to be 25 gallons, standard height. How many quarts of aspen bedding am i going to need to cover the bottom two inches, give or take?
Assuming your 25 gallon is 24 long and 12 wide, ~10 qt. or 1/3 cubic ft. depending on how your bag of substrate is labeled.

24x12x2 = 576 cubic inches = .33 cubic feet = 9.97 liquid quarts
Sani Chip is a popular option. It doesn't hold shape if the snake burrows, but with sufficient hides that's really not a problem.

There are numerous types of shredded aspen on Amazon. I currently use Zoo Med brand. As with anything, read through the reviews.

You could also look into Carefresh if you want something colorful.

I've always found ordering online to be a bit cheaper and more convenient than buying from a pet store, especially with Amazon Prime.