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How often do they shed their skin?


New member
We got our first snake, a fluorescent orange amel, just Tuesday. Yesterday was an exciting day for him. First of all, he had his first meal here (good boy!) Then, late yesterday evening he shed his skin. We were a little surprised because his eyes didn't look milky, etc.

Just wondering- how often do they shed their skin?

If he's a young snake, less than two years, he may shed as often as once a month. I've heard it can be difficult to tell when an amel is "blue," and also, a day or so before they shed they "clear," meaning the blue eyes and dull body color goes back to almost normal. You may think you've missed the shed when that happens! When I got Jake, his nose looked weird and crusty. I thought he'd been rubbing it or something. He shed overnight, and the next day his nose and everything else was perfect.

Congrats on your new baby and congrats that he ate!! Well Done! :)

Shedding depends on a number of factors, age of the snake, size and frequency of meals for example...my little guys (varying from 6-8months old) Shed more or less every 4-6weeks, they are fed every 5days. :)

I have two amels and it can be pretty tricky to see whether or not they are in shed! lol Especially the butter! :) Corns eyes usually clear up a day or two before shedding and sometimes they look like they aren't in shed at all! lol
I bet he arrived during the "clear up" phase. Guess we'll be surprised but at least now we have a general idea. He just hatched this morning so he's pretty small. I did notice yesterday morning that he kept rubbing his face on the glass so maybe that will be a tip off.

:) Sara