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How often should you handle a Corn snake?


Corn Snake Breeder
Hell all!

I have several snakes with one yearling one 1/2 yearling and a few babies now and I try and handle them at least once in between feedings after 48 hours of eating and probably for no more then about 30 min at a time. My Yearling is still really head shy and it takes her a while to calm down in your arms. the younger once are not as bad but for the first 30 seconds or so they are leaping for freedom and then calm down and become cool. Should I try and handle my snakes more to calm them down or do you think they will become more calm over time?
I think it is mostly up to the keeper. I got my snow when he was about 2 years old and the guy that gave her to me almost never handled him, He is still super friendly . I handle both of mine about twice per week and feed once per week.
I just started being in the corn snake club, but I've noticed that my tiny girl has calmed down considerably since I've started handling her (about twice a week). She's very active, still, but she isn't frantic anymore and has realized that pooing on me or striking at me isn't going to land her directly back in the tank; nor does she have to worry about me eating her!
Besides a few days after feeding I try to handle my snakes as much as possible. Daily, if time allows. That includes 2 baby corns, an older corn (age undetermined, but probably just over 1 yr old), a 7 yr old 6ft dumeril's boa, and a baby bearded dragon. Since we have myself, my wife, and four kids at home there's usually an opportunity for all critters to get handled daily by someone.

Everyday except 48 hours after feeding. Mine comes up to the glass when i sit next to the tank and waits there till i take her out. She loves to be handled she will get in my hand on her own now but it took alot of patiance. she is an exception though cause i have some that dont mind being handled but will not volunteer them selfs.
I try to handled ever day or at least every second day but never in the 48 hours after feeding and when she is in the blue or about to shed, but I handled her for a very short time - 1 or 2 minutes per day and I'm very slowly increasing the time.
I only handle mine when feeding or taking them out for a particularly messy spot-clean - average once a fortnight I guess.

Bear in mind that all Corns are individuals. Some (although very much the minority) will never come to terms with being handled. If you handle regularly while they're growing and they STILL don't calm down, then the best thing is to accept that handling stresses them, and keep it to a minimum.

Corns don't actually *want* to be handled - overall, they'd rather just be left alone (unless you have a mouse, at which point I find myself suddenly a lot more popular!). It's convenient for us to have them used to handling, so that interacting with them is pleasant for us and stress-free for them. But they don't "care" about interaction with humans.
Handling is a personal preference, for the humans and for the snakes! Arpolis, you're right to wait 48 hours after feeding. Other than that, you can accustom your snakes to being handled as much as you'd like. Some remain shy their whole life, but they should all be handled enough to feel secure about it. It's healthier and safer for all concerned if they are calm when handled.

I know that the prevailing wisdom is that snakes don't enjoy human interaction. I don't have scientific data saying otherwise, but I do have anecdotal evidence that - some -individual snakes give every indication of seeking interaction, even if I can't determine their level of enjoyment. Three of mine consistently come out of hiding when they hear my voice. These animals come to the hand of a known person when the hand is in their viv. When out for exercise in the room, Yohsong (one of those always-on-the-move-snakes) consistenly loops back to me in his explorations. It reminds me of a toddler touching base with a parent.

Do these snakes want to be handled? Do they just like the warmth of a hand? Do they understand that human=freedom from viv? I'm not sure. I don't think it's anthropomorphizing to interpret their behavior as taking something gratifying from human interaction. Most of my snakes are indifferent, but there are a few exceptions.
I handle mine every day except for when they're digesting. I think the excercise and taming is a very good thing. They like to see the world!
Obviously, don't handle a really timid and scared snake every day. Let them warm up to you before you start daily handling to combat unneeded stress.
We've been handling Lily every day (except for the 48 hour gap after feeding). This is as much to calm -us- down as it is to get her used to the idea. It's one thing to go 'oh, I'll pick up the snake and hold her'. It's another to actually learn that we will not squoosh her when picking her up or while she flails for the first couple of seconds.
I handle my amel every day, except for 48 hours after. And of course, once he starts shedding, I won't handle him then either.

He loves being handled though. Every day when I change out his water bowl and look for any presents under the substrate, he gets excited when he smells me and he comes out and waits for me to pick him up. =]
Im another individual who tries to handle my pet everyday (excepting 48 hour digesting period and shedding).

Unlike some of the other individual's snakes on the forum, Willow will quickly hide under the aspen or in her legos the moment she sees me. She is just a yearling though, so maybe that will change
I'm sorry... Lego's?! Unless that's a term for something completely different, that's amazing! I want to build Fluffy a LEGO mansion now!

You've got to share some pictures. ^_^