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How to convince a non-lover?


Ok, you've probably gathered by know where I'm going with this. I've been hanging about this site and various others soaking up as much corn snake information as i possibly can for the past few months and I believe I am now at the point of being able to offer a safe a happy home to my own little corn. My problem is this, my other half doesnt like snakes :eek1: and although he isn't against me having one altogether (as long as he can have nothing to do with it) he wants me to wait until we have a bigger house (currently in a 1 bedroom flat) His argument for this is that he thinks the snake will need to be in a seperate room (seems to think they smell) and that i will need an additional freezer for mice (I would quite happily give them the bottom drawer of the freezer we have). Also i can't impress upon him the desire for having a snake, he can't see why i want one as a pet (thinks only animals with fur are pets).

Can anyone offer any solutions or successful arguments, i cant seem to get through to him with anything i've said so far.

Thanks in advance :)

When me and the wife first got together, we shared one room in a shared flat and the snakes lives in it with us .... no problem. (It was quite a big room but still one room nonetheless)

The don't smell unless your housekeeping is REALLY bad. They don't make any noise and they don't take up a lot of space or need a lot of looking after (compared to say a cat or a dog).

We had the light on a timer so it went of automatically at night so that didn't bother us either.

As for convincing him, (this wasn't a problem I had, the wife has always been fine with the snakes) best bet is just to let him see some of the amazing morphs available and take him with you and let him handle a few so he can see how nice they really are.

Gentle persistence is the key methinks .... either that or just buy and install the snake while he's out one day. :grin01:

Oh, and you won't need a separate freezer .... what does he thinks it's going to eat? Whole goats or something .... Bag of mice, ziplock back, double wrapped in a polythene bag in the bottom drawer. Even my mother was OK with that. No danger of contamination or anything like that at -18 .....
Definately go over all the advantages of a pet snake versus any furred pet. Take him to see and hopefully handle some snakes, and let him help choose which morph to get. Make him feel that he's included and that his opinions matter to you. Ask him for all his reasons for not wanting a snake (and get specifics) and then counter each reason in the nicest way possible. The only tough part would be if he is actually afraid of snakes...I mean phobia afraid! This may be the case, and you just don't know it...men can be that way! Good luck!
Thanks, I'm 99% certain he isn't afraid of snakes, just doesn't see them as pets. Hopefully if i can persuade him to come with me to the pet shop nearby which has some corns in i can maybe counter some of his little worries. The space issue i can understand, i keep fish and have a huge aquarium in the living room, but have tried to tell him a hatchling is a long way from requiring that amount of space. Will persevere, maybe he'll realise i'm not going to give up on this and he'll just give in :shrugs: although i'd rather that he found he actually liked snakes than just have him "put up with it" I think it would be nice to have snake keeping as a shared interest then we could spend time together and with the snake(s) I still have some hope, he started off not liking the fish either but as i already had them they had to come with me and now he is quite tolerant of them and sometimes even sits and watches them at night. Fingers crossed this will be the same. Any other suggestions?
Oh ... one other thing in their favour ....

When it comes to holidays, they're a lot easier than most pets.

If you go away for a week, leave then a big, full water dish and they should be fine for the week. For two weeks, someone will need to top up their water once or twice, but thats it. Feed them just before you go and no-one needs to feed them while you're away.

I can attest to the involvement theory. My Gf thought I was crazy for wanting a snake. She didn't even want to consider that I would actually get one and so I slowly esposed her to the idea. Started with a lot of pictures from the photo gallery. I then got Kathy Loves book and went through that. Finally when I was almost ready to make the purchase I took her to the petstore first to browse see what she thought and such. When we finally got it she picked out the amel she thought prettiest and even assisted with the name. I won't say she is in love with them but she does like them and tolerate them and I am living in a college apartment with too many roommates. The snakes live in our room and are fine. So my advice to just be considerate and slowly involve him.
lolli said:
and that i will need an additional freezer for mice
When I was living at home, Mom said no way was I going to keep frozen rodents in the freezer. She said "I don't want a bunch of dead animals next to our food." So one day while she was in the kitchen, I went in to the freezer and started taking all of the chicken, beef, and turkey out. She asked what I was doing, and told her I was getting rid of all of the dead animals in the freezer. Now, my approach was really a smarta$$ way to go about it (that's how we do it in my family) but the argument stands. There isn't much difference between the meat we keep for ourselves and the meat we keep for our snakes. It's all dead animals.
lefty_mussolini said:
When I was living at home, Mom said no way was I going to keep frozen rodents in the freezer. She said "I don't want a bunch of dead animals next to our food." So one day while she was in the kitchen, I went in to the freezer and started taking all of the chicken, beef, and turkey out. She asked what I was doing, and told her I was getting rid of all of the dead animals in the freezer. Now, my approach was really a smarta$$ way to go about it (that's how we do it in my family) but the argument stands. There isn't much difference between the meat we keep for ourselves and the meat we keep for our snakes. It's all dead animals.
hehe but i guess people associate dead rodents with tons of germs and diseases.
I would say if you can find a breeder that will let you come buy or else an all reptile pet shop. Have them take out a snake & let your BF hold it. Thats about all it took for me. My husband had always wanted a lizard. I wanted nothing to do with the bugs that you feed them.

So we were at this little reptile show & we got to hold some snakes. My husband fell in love & I love pretty much all animals so I was cool. Now my snakes out number his.

Invite him to this site @ least to the picture gallery. If it wasn't for that picture gallery I would only have one :D

I would definitely say that holding one is the thing that sealed the deal for me. (That & the amazing colors!)
I actually have a 6 month old normal you could have for free if you want!

(Getting the animal for nothing has gotta be a plus right?)

She/he's a flighty one though ... she'd be a bit of work to calm her down. Not bitey (certainly never had a go at me) but zippy and jumpy. Takes after her mother .... :rolleyes:

Still, the offer stands as you live fairly close to me if I remember rightly. (I'm in Fife by the way) I won't be offended in the slightest if you'd rather get your snakey elsewhere. If you do go elsewhere, the place in Wishaw that does reptiles took about a dozen of my hatchlings off me last summer .... they may well still have one or two of them for sale. The normals are from the same clutch as my freebie offer one and will probably be flighty like my one is. However, the amel/sunglows ... if they still have them ... are probably from me as well and they were all quite well tempered.


Drop me a private note if you want me to send you some pics or something of the freebie snake. It's only on offer as, having read your posts, I'm pretty convinced it'd be going to a good home.
Colinmcc i applaud you're genorosity, not many would make that kind of offer. :bowdown:
But you realise your encouraging someone on the long road to snake-aholizm.... :crazy01:
bribrian said:
But you realise your encouraging someone on the long road to snake-aholizm.... :crazy01:

Mwahahahaha .... :grin01:


I'm only planning on keeping this snake for a few more months until spring then I'd be selling it on one way or another anyway. It's a normal so not exactly going to net me a fortune when I do sell it.

There is nothing wrong with the snake in question. It's never missed a meal, always shed well and is healthy and happy .... just a bit flightly. Only reason I still have it is it was the very last hatchling out of the egg last year and so hadn't had enough feeds for me happily sell it on to a petshop so I've just hung onto it since.


I'll also need it's viv for something new later this year. I'm still contemplating an african egg eater ... just for something a bit different. :)
Still a kind offer as it's breathing & moving. :) It's not every day that someone just says 'here's a healthy pet that you've been looking, free gratus....... & coming from a Scotsman too.. :grin01: :grin01: :sidestep:
lolli .....

Took a few snaps while he/she was out for feeding tonight. She was actually quite well behaved. Did her best to avoid coming out of the viv (as usual ... just running away, not being aggresive or biting) but once she was out she was less jumpy than usual, calmed down pretty quickly. :)

Put the photos in the photo forum so here's a link to the thread ....


Feel free to drop me a note with any further thoughts. :)