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How to lower humidity?

Hello all!
I was wondering if anyone knows a cheap and easy way to lower humidity?
I live in an extremely humid part of Florida, and it seems that my hygrometer is on the high end more often than what you guys call the normal range for corns.
I was also wondering if it might just be the hygrometer I have. I have one of the thermometer/hygrometer dual pack things on the cool side of my tank.
Are there any cheap, but reliable, humidity gauges?
How high is "too high"?

I mean snakes are native to Florida, so they probably experience a range from low 30s (or maybe even lower) to full on hurricane conditions.

Unless your tank is more like an aquarium (that is wet), I'm not sure I would worry about it. You certainly don't want mold and mildew, but I'm in Florida and haven't had that issue in the year I've down here.
What substrate do you use? As long as it isn't moist and if you're that concerned, just keep it well ventilated. Your snake should be fine as long as it isn't laying in moisture.
Air flow. Is your enclosure glass or plastic?
I have a glass terrarium with aspen bedding.
Nothing seems moist in it, so I think my hygrometer isn't totally accurate.
I do think it is really high, just not as high as it says.
I wouldn't worry about it unless you see moisture on the walls of the viv or see mold growing, especially under the water bowl.
I monitor temperatures closely, but I've really never given a 2nd thought to humidity

other than making sure it's not desert dry nor actually 'moist' in the viv.
Thanks for all the advice!
I think I'll just keep a close eye on things.
I haven't seen any moisture in the tank, so that's probably a good sign.
Sounds like you've got it all down. I do want to add, I appreciate a pet owner who is willing to learn and has an eye for detail. With our animals dependent entirely one us, it's okay to sweat the small stuff sometimes. :)