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    Either you have not registered on this site yet, or you are registered but have not logged in. In either case, you will not be able to use the full functionality of this site until you have registered, and then logged in after your registration has been approved.

    Registration is FREE, so please register so you can participate instead of remaining a lurker....

    Please be certain that the location field is correctly filled out when you register. All registrations that appear to be bogus will be rejected. Which means that if your location field does NOT match the actual location of your registration IP address, then your registration will be rejected.

    Sorry about the strictness of this requirement, but it is necessary to block spammers and scammers at the door as much as possible.


Add some better formatting to posts and maybe add some shopping cart buttons on for sale ads.....i.e...like the paypal buttons on my website or other classified ads
Sorry, but this is the number one method of malicious people inserting code into forum sites that can not only affect the operation of the site, but also inject malicious code into anyone's local PC reading a post that has such malicious code embedded within it. Most sites will not enable HTML coding for that very reason. Those that DO have it enabled are just living on borrowed time.