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humid hide


New member
Decided the daily spritz was NOT cutting it.
Poor guy was raised in FL, he now lives in high desert.

Dug out some Exo Terra forest moss to moisten, and rummaged around for some tupperware of a suitable size. I ended up tying two of them together, since I couldn't find anything in the size I wanted with a lid that matched.

There seems to be two schools of thought on door placement.
I chose to cut a hole in the top.

So, about twenty minutes after completing the project, I peeked in.
My sweet Starbuck hadn't wasted any time. He was curled up in the humid hide with his head out, resting on top.
I like the hole on top.
He spends a lot of time in there with his out, chin resting on the top.
The top is dome shaped - gives the piece a flying saucer look.
Well, he is a cosmic snake. :)
I like the hole on top.
He spends a lot of time in there with his head out, chin resting on the top.
The top is dome shaped - gives the piece a flying saucer look.
Well, he is a cosmic snake.

(Second try. Should have previewed. Sorry.)