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humidity hovers 12%


my bestest addiction!
how can i raise/maintain the humidity without spraying all the time?

i have a water dish in there and thats it.

the gauge is right near the water dish too.

thanks for helping!! :bowdown:

**should i put another water dish in, but on the warm side (which is maintained 81-84F)?**
Try making a humidity hide. You can put sphagnum moss or cypress mulch under some sort of hide. Spray that down every few days or so. It's a great place for your snake to go when it needs more humidity like when it needs to shed.

And putting in another water dish would certainly not hurt. That's how I help get humidity up with my basilisk and BRB...having two reptiles that need 75+% humidity is certainly work!
1) If your hygrometer is a dial, it may be out or not functioning. I have one that reads 15% different than the other two that sit in the same 3 foot area. I have also had 2 completely quite working. I would suggest a digital hygrometer.

2) If you have a screen top on your enclosure, then cover 90% of it with a piece of plastic(leave the 10% on the cool side, this will help maintain the heat), it will hold the humidity in that is being created by having water in there.

3) If it is a fairly small water dish, then increase the size of water dish, larger dish = more humidity esp if you cover most of the top of your enclosure with plastic. Just remember to keep all water fresh, whether it be a large bowl or multiple bowls, bacteria grows fast and can make your snake ill.

4) Depending what room your snake is in you could also put a large dish or pot of water on the heat vent, this creates more humidity in the room, thus more in the enclosure.

Hope these help out.
Don't sweat it.

If you're really worried about it, do something to reduce airflow--either cover some of the mesh top of the viv if you're using a fish tank type viv, or cover some of the holes in your tub. You can also just move the water dish so that it's partly over the part of the cage with the heating tape.

I don't even measure humidity. If your snake has trouble shedding (which you'll discover when it first sheds), you can always supply a wet hide whenever it becomes opaque. But none of my snakes have trouble in their bins and I don't do anything to intentionally raise humidity.
The only problem with the water bowl on the UTH is that it is then heating the water(even marginally) and will increase the sped with which bacteria grows and the amount.
ok, i just read here that the humidity should be higher than what i have (dont remember the number)

how often do they tend to shed? shes 4 months old and has/will eat every Sunday (F/T pinkie)
Every corn is different but when they are that small on average about 1 x a month.
ok, i just read here that the humidity should be higher than what i have (dont remember the number)

how often do they tend to shed? shes 4 months old and has/will eat every Sunday (F/T pinkie)

It should. I'm just relating that I don't have any trouble with ambient humidity and that if you find you do (upon shed) you can easily take steps to provide extra humidity for that. Your experience may vary, but I've seen the set-ups of four other locals who also didn't/don't do anything to provide extra humidity and no one has/has had shedding problems.

Yours will likely shed every 3-6 weeks on that feeding schedule (if I were a better person I'd say every 4).
I cover Boo's tank-type enclosure with a little plastic wrap, and that keeps the humidity acceptable. Mouse is in a sterilite box so she actually has a problem with too much humidity. Drilling some SMALL holes in the cover has helped that, though.
I cover Boo's tank-type enclosure with a little plastic wrap, and that keeps the humidity acceptable. Mouse is in a sterilite box so she actually has a problem with too much humidity. Drilling some SMALL holes in the cover has helped that, though.

good idea with the plastic wrap, that way its not as noticeable.
its in my living room so i'd like it to look as nice as possible.
Are you having any problem with your snake to cause concern over humidity?

I would follow Asbit and desertanimal thoughts here.
Are you having any problem with your snake to cause concern over humidity?

I would follow Asbit and desertanimal thoughts here.

no, no problems, just doing research and thought i'd ask.

i've only had her since Sunday and just making sure i do everything correct for her.
no, no problems, just doing research and thought i'd ask.

i've only had her since Sunday and just making sure i do everything correct for her.

Well ...that's good. Just remember that corn are the easy snake to take care of. So apply the KISS theory to them.

Ten bucks saids it your gauge tho.
Ya know I really do think it is the gauge, 12% is very dry, you would think that if your viv is experiencing that dry of conditions, then your house should be close to the same, unless you are using an over head lamp for heat. Those will dry things out a lot!

I live in Saskatchewan and winter is very dry here and our house is at approx 35-40% and the corns are shedding fine.
i have the UTH with t-stat, but i do have the overhead lamp with red bulb, but its almost never on...only for a few minutes at night to see if she comes out.

i did wash the hell out of the tank on Saturday, the gauge was already in it, and it read like 80% (the plastic dial face fogged up) maybe the water getting in it messed it up??
i dont have another gauge in the house to compare, maybe i will just get a digital one like suggested.
If you really are worried about it go ahead but you could wait and see if his first shed goes ok. Generally, they shed ok on their own. If you want to make sure, when you notice his eyes turn blue/grey then put a shed box in. A plastic box that has a lid, place in it damp paper towel(cheap) and all you need to do is cut a hole in the side or top. If your snake feels to dry, usually they will use the box. Paper towel is cheap and can be easily re-wet and tends not to mold as easily as some things. You could also use sphagnum moss. Leave the hide in the viv until he has finished shedding. Aslo some corns will just soak in their water bowl, that is why it is suggested to have a water bowl big enough for the whole snake to fit in.

Honestly, My stupid dials are all I have only because I bought them when I first got started keeping snakes and thought I had to have them, but I don't rely on them anymore because I know how unreliable they are. I just always offer my snakes a shed box when they are in blue.
Sorry that I can not help with, as I said I currently do not even worry about humidity,, I just offer a shed box for my snakes and if they wish to use it they do and if they don't want to they don't.

Although, I vaguely recall someone saying you could get them cheap at Walmart? Not sure though.
Walmart supper cheap if you want. But like Asbit, I make sure I have a large water dish in the enclosure(for humidity you want surface area not depth of water) and I also put a shed box (actually a converted coolwhip tub) in for most of mine when they start going blue......