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Hurley has an amel?


Yes, shamefully I admit I have one.

Here is Rory. She's an amel out of the wide-striped aztec lines. She was just coming out of brumation today and I needed an ACR pic of her, so she got a few other photos as well, since she was hamming it up.

I especially loved the pit-viper head she was showing off in some of them. She wasn't strikey or tail rattling, but she still thought she was a "meeeeean old rattlesnake".






Connie has an amel... I am assuming she is not going to bred at that size.. Nice looking vomitmel!

Regards.. Tim of T and J
Heh, nope, at under a 100 grams, she's not exactly breeding size yet. I put the yearlings in brumation this year to get them in synch with the adult schedule, so that's why she's just coming up now.
I love the tail shots.... something about a little girl with a curl being very good and when she was bad she was horrid :)

Awesome shots!
I remember that nursery rhyme, just can't remember the first part of it.

Rory is out of a very nicely patterned "wide-striped aztec" amel female bred to an amel het stripe.

I have her as part of the animals from that "wide-striped aztec" thread of Rich's where he produced that cool patterned amel and a bunch of wide-striping on amels, charcoals, normals, etc. I originally had a female charcoal aztec from that clutch pictured in the thread and a male from the next year's clutch, but Jeff has them now. I've got a pair of charcoals het hypo out of the female that I look forward to seeing if I can recover this version of aztec. Khaman sent me a nicely patterned male normal aztec (Rhodan) and this little female amel to keep the lines together when he had to disperse his collection.

I'll grow up this little one and see if the aztecing can be recovered from crosses to these other snakes. I'm just trying to keep the type of aztec consistant to see if it makes for more consistant results down the line. Plus, the version of patterning is very nice. ;)

Here is Rory's ACR page:




And Belle's kids, Chimmeny and Cheroo:


(Both have progression pics in the CCCorns forum and are getting very light and pretty.)
Hurley said:
I remember that nursery rhyme, just can't remember the first part of it.
There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very, very good,
But when she was bad,
She was Horrid!

By the way, nice little amel! Does she have any aztec patterning at all? If she has even a little, you should be able to get some patterned offspring, especially if bred to a patterned mate. I've gotten excellent patterned offspring from slightly patterned snakes that have no known patterned snakes in their line...but only when bred to another patterned snake. I have yet to try pairing two normally patterned snakes from patterned lines to see if the aztec/zigzag pattern can be recovered. Nice project!
Nope, she's pretty-well pattern-free, one little skewed/joined saddle pair.

I bred Mattie (my Okeetee) to Strong Bad (my Sunkissed) and ended up with many aztec partials and a couple with quite a bit of aztec patterning. I've certainly seen it happen when breeding lavenders (even with no aztecing).

We'll see what happens. Rich had mentioned that he's been able to breed for it with good results, so we'll find out. I've got 1 fully patterned male and 1.2 non-patterned """""hets"""""" from fully patterned animals x non-patterned animals.

Hopefully I can align genetics, luck-of-the-draw, and murphy to produce some wonderful aztecs from this line down the road.

And lol at the nursery rhyme. All I could remember was horrid always ended up hore-ed to rhyme with....something. :grin01:
Hurley said:
Yes, shamefully I admit I have one.

Connie, I think she know how much you love "her kind". This pic says it all, "Wait till I grow up; just try sticking your big old amel hating hand in my viv......just try it!":devil01:
An aztec-y amel, I can understand.

Now, if Connie had an amel het caramel..... :eek1:

Some of the nicest corns I have seen have been amels and your girl is CERTAINLY nothing to be ashamed of!

I think most of us have amels as part of some breeding plan or other... :grin01: I love them personally! Getting a striped amel soon!
jazzgeek said:
An aztec-y amel, I can understand.

Now, if Connie had an amel het caramel..... :eek1:


Them's fightin' words! I like the caramels. :p

Amels don't make my top 10 or 15 faves, but that "skeery-snake flathead" is just too cool. My "pity purchased" snow does the flat head thing quite a bit, too. Maybe it's a psycho amel trait? :grin01:
Kitty said:
Them's fightin' words! I like the caramels. :p

Amels don't make my top 10 or 15 faves, but that "skeery-snake flathead" is just too cool. My "pity purchased" snow does the flat head thing quite a bit, too. Maybe it's a psycho amel trait? :grin01:

LOL I'm with you, Kitty :) And no Amels on the agenda for any time soon.... now, charcoal ghosts, pewter, granite.... they are up at the top :D Maybe a pretty marooney and white Miami..... :D
Kitty said:
Them's fightin' words! I like the caramels. :p
If I can get an amber like Carlos has, I just may rethink my Xanthin preference. But from what I know - and I don't speak for her - Connie isn't fond of any corn with a trace of yellow. And het caramels would produce a (gasp!) butter. ;)

Amels don't make my top 10 or 15 faves, but that "skeery-snake flathead" is just too cool. My "pity purchased" snow does the flat head....
Did you say "flathead"?? :grin01:

My blizzard hatchling makes a very similar pose that resembles the "pit-viper" pose...
but I have been unable to get a good photo of is yet...

great pics by the way...