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Hyper snake...


New member
Alice is SUPER hyper it seems. More hyper than Kingsley was. You really gotta have a firm grip with her or she'll bolt right out of your hands. So I don't think I'll handle her as much as I did Kingsley for awhile. Is this going to effect how she reacts to me? I would love to handle her but with three kids running and screaming I don't want her to be calm and then bolt when I don't expect it and lose her. Any tips on how to deal with this? Should I just let her be and let her settle in a bit longer? I had one heck of a time getting her in her container to setup her thermostat a few moments ago haha. She is definatly a completly different snake than what Kingsley was and is. He's laid back doesn't mind the kids and doesn't mind being held at all.
I would still continue to handle her like normal. Maybe try to pick a quieter time of the day (like after the kids are in bed), so that you can focus your full attention on her. You can also hold her over her enclosure, so that if she does make a break for it, she'll just land in her tank.
I have a very laid back corn snake and a very jumpy corn snake (and 2 in between those descriptions). If I only had the laid back corn snake, I wouldn't believe that corn snakes could be flighty, and vice versa! But they get held the same amount. Eventually the jumpy one settles down, though. They are summer 2012 hatches.