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Hypo or Rootbeer?


New member
Hi, I am a fairly new member and a new snake mommy, I recently adopted a corn snake from the petstore I work at, it was brought in as a corn, 2 years old, unknown gender. I decided that she was a female (although I have no clue) and named her Cherry. She is a great snake, wonderful personality especially for a first timer like me. She is just under 3ft long and I have no clue what she weighs at this point (going to get a weight in the next week I hope).

I had posted earlier in the new member forums with the best pic of her I had and everyone that replied said she looked like a hypo. However I had a gentleman come to my house to pick up some rats and he has corn snakes and is good friends with the cornsnake guy at our local reptile shop, and said she looked like a rootbeer (which i understand is a mix between a corn and an Emory rat snake(i think). While it doesnt matter as I will never breed her (him?) I was curious as to how I could tell or if I could even tell.

Here is the best pic I have of her to date, my son broke my camera shortly afterwards so I wont have new for a while.


  • cherry2.jpg
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She or he is a beautiful snake regardless of the genetics. I would say Hypo at this point, I don't know anything about rootbeers lol Glad to see that you are loving it so much :D and sorry to hear your kid broke the camera.
from what I understand a rootbeer is a cross of a mexican corn with an amel...I'm getting a ghost rootbeer, hes adorable. I'll post a pic in the photo forum.
from what I understand a rootbeer is a cross of a mexican corn with an amel...I'm getting a ghost rootbeer, hes adorable. I'll post a pic in the photo forum.

That is VMSherp's "brand" of rootbeer, but they can also be from crossing a corn snake with an Emory rat snake.

Yours doesn't have a definite hybrid look, but a full dorsal photo would help once you get a new camera. It can also depend upon the % of corn and other rat snake in the mix as to how easy or difficult it may be to identify a hybrid.
Looks like a very nice hypo A.. Nothing like what I have seen for an Emoryi X Corn aka Rootbeer..

Regards.. Tim of T and J
Thank you all so much for your insights, I have done a bit of google research and while I have seen some pics of a Rootbeer with color like hers, I am of the same mind that she is a hypo, and considering everyone who has responded has said the same, and you guys all seem to be highly intelligent people who know way more about corns that I do, I definitely have to say I am going with your opinions,

Now for my next question what is a Hypo A. . . I am waiting on payday to get the cornsnake morph guide, so as to have a reference tool to use. Until then I have to pick your brains :rofl:
If you have questions on how some genetics work and how they cross together. www.Corncalc.com is a fun tool to play with. It has most all of the known morphs and links to IansVivarium which has lots of photos of the morphs and definitions. Currently there are 3 forms of Hypo that I know of. Hypo A - C or all commonly known as, Hypo, Sunkissed & Lava. All of these trait reduce the amount of Melanin in the snake's skin. "Melanin meaning black pigment."
If you have questions on how some genetics work and how they cross together. www.Corncalc.com is a fun tool to play with. It has most all of the known morphs and links to IansVivarium which has lots of photos of the morphs and definitions. Currently there are 3 forms of Hypo that I know of. Hypo A - C or all commonly known as, Hypo, Sunkissed & Lava. All of these trait reduce the amount of Melanin in the snake's skin. "Melanin meaning black pigment."

Correction...at least 4-5 types of hypo. Ultra is a type of hypo and strawberry is a type of hypo (but it has yet to be determined if it is allelic to hypo A). I"m not sure if dilute can be considered a type of hypo or not and there may be one or two more types that still need to be completely tested (Christmas, for example).
If she is a Hybrid, look at Cinnamon. I have a Cinnamon that looks very similar to yours. Mine was sold to me as a Cremesicle but obviously there is no Albinoism there.
Here is Hoodini

younger pic


length at 3 years old shot

You have a very pretty snake. Wheather it is a hybrid or not.