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I am excited!


New member
Kingsley is going to shed for the first time since I've had him!!! I am so excited. This is really the first ultimate test. Have I kept his enclosure well enough for him to shed properly for the first time? I'd like to think I have haha. I guess we'll see in the coming days. His eyes either just started to fog up or clear up. I was actually going to post in General Care that I thought something was wrong with him since he's been hiding for so long. I guess I know why :p changed his water today and moved his hide that he LOVES to see how he was doing and noticed his colors were dull and his eyes a bit foggy. I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes!!! Pics of his first shed will def. be up when the time comes.
I always notice that if I haven't seen my snakes out for a few days, when I check on them, they're blue. And the first time my first snake shed, she went into the clear phase, and I could not find a shed anywhere, and I thought I must have imagined her getting cloudy looking, but of course she shed just a little after the clear phase.
Here it is! He shed. He had like a weird spot on the top of his head when I checked him. It was like blood? Is this normal, or no? Also is it possible that his eye caps are some where in his Viv or should I do the precaution of a moist with a wash rag and set him in it for a bit?


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Have you checked closely to see if the eye caps are included in that shed? It looks complete to me :) you can even see the tail tip.
I don't know about the spot on the head... is it on your snake, or the shed? Maybe it could be some left over fecies? :S

But don't worry too much, it looks like a clean shed. Good job!
No its not fecies lol. It was like blood and had a clear liquid oozing out of it too. But I know when they shed a thin liquid fills between the new and old layer of skin or scales lol. Maybe he just recently shed the top of his head? I dunno. Its gone now. Kinda looks a little scabbed over now. But no icky ooze lol.
Update. I found the rest of his shed. It was wrapped around his cool whip bowl. Almost transparent!! LOOOL.
Just keep an eye on it, and if it does not look like it is healing or you notice any sign of infection let the vet take a peek.