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I am getting a corn snake tomorrow!


New member
So tomorrow is the semi-big day. The manager at the pet store I work at is giving me a juvenile corn. I haven't seen her yet, but he tells me she is beautiful and a good eater. I've worked with the guy over a year and yes, I do fully trust him. The snake is a Christmas gift for my 9 year old daughter. Our first pet snake. I am so excited. I will be sure to post pics tomorrow! And post the video of my daughter getting the snake on Christmas morning. She's wanted a corn snake since she was 4.
Congrads on the new snake :) Lots of pictures of your daughter & her new snake. My guess is that you will need at least one more... I know that my daughter got upset when I kept calling her snake, my snake. She made me go get my own :D
That's wonderful! :cheers: It's brilliant that your daughter has known for 5 years that she's wanted a snake -- I imagine that she's read every book about corns out there and she already knows full well what to do...and thanks to mom's help, she'll be a pro before long! :) No matter what the corn looks like, I'm sure in your daughter's eyes, s/he'll be perfect. Happy Holidays to you both! :santa:
Thanks! And yes, she's read a lot about corn snakes. Online and from books. I have taken her to the pet shop I work at to watch snakes eat to see how she reacts, get feedback on how she feels. She loves animals. And watching them die or seeing dead animals bothers her. For instance, we went to this store in Orlando, it was all leather, had animal heads on the walls, deer antlers hanging from the ceiling, etc. She got very upset and made me leave the store. So as much as she loves snakes, she needs to deal with the fact they eat other animals. Mind you, we aren't vegatarians, but we don't see the animals' faces that we eat. So its different. She was fine on all the occasions, both when they fed live (but semi-conscious) and frozen. So I think she'll be okay. Plus she watches me feed my beardie pinkies/fuzzies and that can be messy and she is okay. For Christmas she is also getting a new book on corn snakes :)
Sounds like the start of a wonderful relationship between your daughter and her snake to be!
So I get to work and the manager who is giving her to me is late. He gets there and I ask him about the snake. He forgot her! :( I forgave him of course, its no big deal. He went home later that day to pick her up. He couldn't give me the cave he was using for her because he needed it, so I bought her a new snake cave and she instantly found it. She ate two fuzzies and is fat and happy. The store was clean out of UTH so I am waiting for the shipment to come in later this week, till then she has a heat lamp, which she doesn't seem to mind. He said she didn't like the lamp at his house. Maybe its the bulb difference or maybe because the bedroom she is hidden in is very cold, lol.

But my god, she is gorgeous! Can't wait to see my daughter's face in the morning! And pictures as promised (albeit from a sh***y camera)!




And please ignore the mess in the background. Its my parent's room and is in turmoil with the Christmas season, lol. They are the prime hiding place for presents, so its not tidy
That is an okeetee right? I've been doing a lot of reading on corn snake care, not so much on breeding and morphs because I don't plan to breed, but just curious.
looks like a normal to me ?? not sure the black on the saddles are thick enough to be called an okeetee? but I am not great at guessing morphs either LOL so... we will see what others have to say :)
And please ignore the mess in the background. Its my parent's room and is in turmoil with the Christmas season, lol. They are the prime hiding place for presents, so its not tidy

I didn't even notice the bedroom until you mentioned it, and then I went back to look -- eh, not a big deal. :p I was too busy looking at the pretty *surprise!* snake...:santa:

By the way, you fed the snake today? Make sure that you give it about 48 hours to digest before handling it again -- and allow for it to have a settling in period, as well, usually of about 3 days to allow for the snake to endure the stressful transition to a new home...I usually wait to feed my new snakes until after the settling in period. Otherwise, regurges could happen (too much stress, not enough time to digest, etc.) -- as I'm sure you know, too many regurges can be fatal.

I don't know if the snake is an Okeetee or not, but it does look very similar to my normal, which was just labeled as normal. I think an Okeetee has thicker black borders and it has something to do with some direct lineage to the snakes from that region, I think...then again, perhaps I'm 100% wrong. :) (As one of my 2nd graders is fond of telling me -- which drives me up a wall! -- "...even teachers make mistakes.") Either way, I'm sure that your daughter will have a field day naming it!
Yeah, I know you aren't suppost to handle them after feeding but I wanted to get a few pictures. My original plan was that the manager was going to feed her 4 days ago, but the shipment of fuzzies didn't come in, so she didn't get fed. We got the shipment in today and she was super active and seemed agitated, so I figured she was really hungry, so I gave her two. Normally he said she eats 3, but I wanted her to have a lighter meal with the transition. My daughter is getting the Pleo too, so she'll have a lot to do while she waits for her new corn to digest its meal before she handles it.

And yeah, I am not feeling like, "It has to be an okeetee". I am perfectly happy with her. She is a sweet beautiful snake. Very healthy too. And I got her for free, so I have no complaints, I just wanted to know what I should call her when someone asks me what morph. :p
And yeah, I am not feeling like, "It has to be an okeetee". I am perfectly happy with her. She is a sweet beautiful snake. Very healthy too. And I got her for free, so I have no complaints, I just wanted to know what I should call her when someone asks me what morph. :p

I know what you mean -- at first, I thought that it would be kind of boring to just say "normal" as Bellerouge's morph, but you could also say "classic," (from what I understand!) which is just a euphemistic way of saying "normal." :p

Believe me, free is good! :) I'd never have been able to bring a snake into my classroom otherwise! Congrats, again -- and enjoy! :santa:
She's a pretty little thing! Congrats!

If you just fed her today, please give her a while to digest, 2 days or so, before handling her.

Did I mention she's purty?