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I am Havin A BAD day~~~~~~:~


~~~~~~~:~ Newbies Rule?
undefined I am not going to whine here, I might down in chit chat but I do have a question about my baby morph? My Ghost Cornpuff did the wild thing with my "Bubblegum" snow Sydney and two of the babies look like Candy Canes. I think! Picture posted...What do you think? There is more to this story...but I would then be starting to whine so I am holding off on that right now. (maybe I need a little wine) ~~~~~~:~ Of course they could be light Amels, right. They have shed once already and should be close to shedding again. Very good eaters for such tiny guys. I am almost afraid to pick them up. They are eating one day old pinkies. and have eaten three times in the past 25 days. (pigs) ~~~~~~:~


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I think that you need to ship them over to me for further inspection LOL!!!!!!

They definatly look like Candy Canes to me but I am no expert on the Candies. No matter what they are GREAT looking babies.

Jeff C.
They look like.........

.....High White Okeetees to me. Who did you get the parents from and what is their genetic background? :shrugs:

Walter :wavey:
Don't know
but they look kind of like amels to me~
Cause on my screen they the colors don't seem to be as nice as what I would think a red/orange candy cane should be~

I'd say a high end amel or low end candy cane?

Either way they're nice as long as they're eating and all~~
Ain't it funny how the same pics look differant on differant monitors. On my monitor they are showing with an incredable amount of white. I also agree that they might be High White Reverse Okeetees but I thought that those were next to impossable to get.

One large problem I can think of is if you breed a Ghost to a Snow... you should get 100% anerys. Are you sure another male did not have access to her? It is hard to tell if they will develop background color or not, but they sure aren't anerys and thats what you should be puzzled about. :sidestep:
I would also guess high white okeetees. They are beautiful!

Carol's right, though...you should not have gotten any amels.
I'm at a loss, too

I can not come up with any way to breed a ghost and a snow and get amels.
They could be candy cane, they could be reverse okeetee (which is what I think they look like) or they could be just amels.
It doesn't mater they are all "almelanistic" and you just can't get there from a ghost and a snow. Even if the ghost is het amel you would still only get anerys and snows.
What am I missing here?
Oh lifes troubles~~~~~~~:~

OK OK I am so sorry I take it back the dad is Artos, I double checked my records, he is a hypo from Rich. To me he looks just like my Miami Phase so I am clueless about the difference between the two of them, I got them both from Rich. The one thing I do know now about my Miami Phase Merlin, is that he throws hypo crimsons. But he had nothing to do with these babies. So if the dad is a hypo and mom is a ghost what do you think these babies are now? Light amels? right? I will wait for at least another shed and send more pics. Thanks guys and sorry about the dad thing It was Carol who made me go and double check when she ask about the possiblity of someone else getting in there. The answer to that is NO WAY, but yes to can "I forget". Good thing I am good at documentation. (as long as noone switches my lids!) Again Thanks Sam ~~~~~~~:~ always learning
OK, to begin with they would both have to be het amel to throw amels.
What else did you get in the clutch.
They definitely look way to light to be hypos, so amels is the most likely.
Yeah, I going with amels, now myself. these were the only two from the pairing. only three eggs out of 7 survied and the other baby who looked the same, died right after she was born. she was even tinier than these guys. I am doing a lot of work with the vet right now to make sure everyone is ok. Iam really sorry that I got everyone going before I checked my records, BUT I am happy for the input and support. THANK YOU ALL, Sam ~~~~~:~

well, all I can add is good luck with those two little beauties.
keep us posted.
I would love to see how they mature.
Thanks Jimmy Johnson, I will will they are doing aok. It's a funny year in that all of my babies are eating with no problems. Last year I was doing every song and dance you could think of to get them to eat. In the end I lost three babies to not eating. Sam ~~~~~~:~
But Hypo + Hypo = Hypo, unless....

If I understand genetics correctly, by breeding your hypo male to a ghost female (who is a hypo anery), then all the babies should be at least hypos -- whether hypo normal or hypo amel or hypo whatever. Clearly, both parents are het for amel, and since those babies have red eyes, they definitely look amel to me. But, logically, they should also be hypo.

The thing is, though, the clear borders around the babies' saddles (where black would be otherwise, if the babies were normal instead of amel) look WAY too thick to me to indicate hypo. So, it's possible that your hypo male is not the same variation of hypo as your ghost female. I've read on Rich's posts where he has done breeding trials with Sunkissed hypos and standard A hypos (two different hypo variations)-- do you know which type of hypo that male is? I'd guess he's a Sunkissed hypo, since ghosts are anerys plus standard A-type hypo.

If the babies are not hypos themselves, then they're amels that are also at least het hypo for two different types of hypo.

Rich use to number the snakes that he sent, but I am not sure he still does this. If he did with my Artos then I would have the number upstairs. I really don't know what other type of records he keeps. I will post new pictures after next shed. Thanks, It is fun learning about the gentics of all of these guys, sam ~~~~~:~
Any updates on these guys? I agree with the consensus, those look like they are going to have the LOOK of very very beautiful high white reverse okeetees. (aka GORGEOUS), and the thick borders also tells me they couldn't be homozygous for hypo (even if they are het hypo in more than one way)

Anxious to hear updates. Beautiful things!
Thanks for checking in ~~~~~~~~:~

Everything seems to be calming down here. I sold one of those babies as "AS IS" and I kept one just to wait and see. I usually keep one a\year, this year it was three! She is getting brighter and whiter but no shed yet. Plus I haven't sexed her, after the next shed I will do it all. She is eating good, so no worries. Thanks for asking. Sam ~~~~~~~:~
Updated Photos ~~~~~~~:~

Hi. OK Two sheds and many pinkies later, my little mystery is still a mystery to me. Should I start a new thread/ What do you think she is? The last call was just an amel.....but she is getting whiter and no yellows or creams. Thanks for helping/looking. Sam ~~~~~~~~:~


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Kathy Love produces some Harlequin corns (or she did) that kinda look like that, real white looking "reverse" okeetee's...Kim Caldwell of Kims Kolubrids (who is out of herps last I heard) produced some too, out of snakes sharing bloodlines with Kathy's...and AFAIK it could be homozygous for hypo, with the amelanism masking the hypo expression...either way that snake is definately a keeper, a beautiful amel corn, Sam