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I Am Officially A Member Of The Bite Club!!!


Snake enthusiast
YESSS!! I have been waiting FOREVER to be bit by a snake. But all of mine are just too nice to do it! XD So I was feeding the snakes at work today, put a year old ball python in it's feeding container (a cardboard box) and let it eat. Well, when I felt it had enough time to eat/swallow/chill for a bit, I opened up the box and WHAM! It nailed me right on my finger. It let right go, and it BARELY bled. It didn't actually hurt, too. Sort of a small momentary sting, that's all. BUT IT BIT MEEEEEE AAAAAH! Unfortunately, no photos. D: But I was walking around smiling for the remainder of the day, it was so silly.
Do you have to have pics to qualify? Do they have to draw blood? If not I joined the bite club about 4 months ago. My male Puget loves to bite me, but the first few times he did it I couldn't even tell what he was doing.
Forgot to say, "Congrats on joining the Bite Club!"
Guess I still don't qualify, he's never broken the skin either. Oh well, something to look forward to when he's bigger than a # 2 pencil. And yes, snake people are weird!
Welcome to the club, I've been bite many times over the years as a nuisance animal trapper but Nitro my Cali King finally inducted me as a snake owner just last week, even broke skin, dug in deeper and did it again lol