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I brought Tequila back!


What blonde chick?!
So, as usual today,my daughter wanted to give Tequila his bath. No biggee. She does it all the time. I get the water in the tub and she sits with him. She's also supposed to come and get me every 10 minutes or so,so that I can check the temps and add more hot water as he needs. Well,for some reason today she didn't do that, and I was in the middle of a very personal crisis and wasn't looking at the clock. Maybe that's why she felt she shouldn't come get me. I don't know. Anyway, next thing I know,Ariel came running out with Tequila who was bloated,fully blackbearded and lifeless. She was bawling her eyes out. I took him from her and asked if she was making sure he kept his head above water(the water level is always just to his sides). She said yes,but he kept falling asleep and his head would fall into the water. She said she would immediately lift his head up and he would wake up but then he would just put his head back under.:cry:

I started rubbing his belly and back with some pressure and water was coming out of his nostrils. I then opened his mouth, hung him downwards and started rubbing some more and a lot of water came out of his mouth. He then opened his eyes up. I blow-dried a blanket so that it was really warm and wrapped him in it and he became a little more alert but was still black-bearded and falling asleep. I decided to give opening his mouth up another go and BAM! He bit the hell out of me! Suddenly he was VERY alert! The bloating was gone and he was walking around. There was no more water coming out of his nostrils or mouth. I put him in his tank on his perch,bumped the heat up a bit and now he's back to normal. Black beard is gone, he's wide awake,and even came down off his perch to eat.

We've decided from now on I'll do the baths. Ariel was actually the one who suggested it. I think this has scarred her a bit. She's still a little teary and is constantly telling Tequila she's sorry. And of course I'm sorry too! I'm just glad I got to him in time!

Does the bite club only accept members who have been bitten by snakes?

Tequila is alive and alert and looking happy. Still has a spot of black on his beard but he's running around like normal again!
I'm glad it ended well too! I've explained to Ariel that accidents happen to get her to calm down and that it was my fault too for not watching the clock for her just in case. She asked me why he kept putting himself under the water and I explained that the water had gotten too cool and it was putting him to sleep and that's why it's so important that we check the water temps. She said that didn't make sense! Well,of course it probably wouldn't make sense to an 8 year old and I should've explained that to her a long time ago so she would've known the exact reason why she always had to come get me so often. I feel bad about all of it and responsible but it all worked out okay in the end and we both learned very good lessons!
Glad he's ok! (Isabel falls asleep in a hot bath, so don't let her blame herself about the water getting too cool or anything...)
Thank you Nanci! You know Tequila has never fallen asleep in his baths. In fact he tends to go a bit crazy and runs around a lot. He'll occasionally dip his head really quick in the water but I'm assuming that's to get a drink. That's why I attributed the sleeping to the water getting too cold. Of course I don't blame her. She had no clue what was going on and I was so wrapped up in what was going on that I just brain-farted about Ariel being in the bathroom with Tequila. I NEVER do that! Tequila is like a child to me so I was beating myself up quite a bit. Well, I really didn't need to! Tequila beat me up himself instead! LOL! That bite hurt perty darn bad and actually took a chunk of skin nearly off! It's just kindda hanging there by a flap. Ewwww! Funny thing is.....now the tip of my finger is numb where he bit and there's no pain at all. I guess that could be a good thing!
I have never been bitten by a dragon, I guess I'm kind of surprised they have such sharp teeth! Just surprised because I've never thought of it before.. I did see two dragons grab opposite ends of a f/t pinkie before though, they pretty much wound up with half each though. So I guess I should have known. Yikes!
I know you said he never relaxes in there, which is funny, because Isabel relaxes completely, and just floats with her eyes closed. And I dribble water on her back. She'll even tip over to one side. But I've never seen her head go under.
Oh Yeah! They have sharp teeth! LOL! Of course I don't know if it's so much the sharpness of their teeth or the power in their jaws. He's nipped me before but never even left a mark and there was no pain at all. This time was completely different! He clamped down and wasn't letting go! So it very well could've just been the strength that did the damage.
I know you said he never relaxes in there, which is funny, because Isabel relaxes completely, and just floats with her eyes closed. And I dribble water on her back. She'll even tip over to one side. But I've never seen her head go under.

I wish Tequila relaxed like that! LOL! He likes to play and splash too much! When he dips his head it's more just his nose to "lick" the water.
Ophelia my gargoyle bit me last night- even a bite from a 40g lizard freaking hurts!!! (And draws blood). I can't imagine a dragon bite...
You know how I said it was numb and didn't hurt? Yeah,well it's been a few hours and my finger is purple and hurts like a S.O.B! I cleaned it out and put some Neosporin on it but the tip of my finger is really hot to the touch! I do not relish ever being bitten by him again!
Hot to the touch!? Wow... Well, take it easy and heal quickly. After hearing this, if someone wants to keep you out of bite club, you should sick Tequila on them. That'll settle it for sure.

Keep an eye on that finger though...
I think the fact that he's named for the snake bite cure is a good sign. I recommend a glass of his namesake with a splash of Rose's lime on ice. Hold the cold glass with your injured hand..
Sadly,Tom, as soon as his namesake hits my stomach,it comes right back up! LOL! But some Disarrono on the rocks sounds just about right!

Stupid finger is still hot but the swelling is going down and I've re-cleaned and applied more neosporin to it. I had that flap of skin reattached pretty good until I cleaned it again. Now it's just chillin' there on my finger!
Wow, that's quite a bite...but also an amazing story! So glad it had a happy ending. Way to go with the quick thinking, Min!
I have only been bitten by a lizard once, my big male hurt so much split my nail and crushed it into my thumb and split the under part of my tumb open lots of blood not nice I cried like a big girl