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I dont know if I should handle or leave him alone


New member
So I know I have sort of asked about this before but im confused on what to do. I got my corn snake back in Sep. and I only waited 4 days before a feed him. Thas what we did at my job for our snakes so thats what I did for mine. I know I should have waited a week. When I feed him first he snatched it right up and same for the second time. The third time my brother and sister were trying to watch and ever since he wouldnt eat while im around. Instead he rattles his tail hisses and strikes at me. So my question is should i handle him more often so that he gets used to me being around or should I let him be and only take him our for feeding?
I would handle him gently for maybe 10-15 minutes each day. There's a thread called Handling Bin For A Hateling or something that discusses scared hatchlings.