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I dont think my snake can see that well anymore


Hi there,

I have always been giving my snake pre-killed mice and place it in the tank. He would find it and eat it.

Lately i put the mouse in his tank and he does not see it! he passes right on top of it and does not notice it. If i grab some tweezers and move the mouse a bit, he sees and eats it.

Why this behavior? I don't wish to give him alive mice. Any solutions?


I have no clue why he might be having trouble (maybe he's getting old?) but it seems to me that it may be more of a scent issue than sight if he's passing right over them.

As for a solution? Why not just continue to wiggle the mouse in front of him? I don't see why you think you might need live, when moving the mouse with tweezers has the same effect. :shrugs:
Try warming the mouse up before offering it. They tend to hunt by scent and body heat as well as by sight. Making it hotter might make it more obvious.

Having said that, there are other reasons why he might need convincing to eat. How old is he and how often are you feeding him? Maybe he just isn't getting hungry enough between feeds and they need to be spaced out more.

Also my eldest Corn (21) occasionally goes through phases of needing to be hand-fed in the way you describe. I guess it's like an old dog or cat suddenly getting choosy about their food. Could this be likely for yours or is just just a youngster?
I do not wish to continue wiggling it because i dont wish him to attack while my hand is there!

and no he is not old. He is a bit over 2 years.

I will start heating it up.. sounds like a good idea. I will try it next week though let his hunger grow a bit as he didnt eat the mouse yesterday. He looked pretty hungry though.

You can hand-feed safely using tongs - something like you'd use to turn meat over on a BBQ will keep your fingers out of the way.

Is he due to shed? Sometimes they won't eat during the shedding process. That might be the simpler explanation.
Try this. Take a flashlight and shine across/ not directly into his eyes. If they Dialate he is fine. He is just lazy and and wants his food that way..... Or take him to a vet and have him checked.