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I got it, I got it!!!


Currently Addicted!
I finally got my corn! I luv it! I don't know if it's a boy or a girl tho...I still luv it! I got it from PETCO today and...wow...I didn't think I was going to be able to find one this pretty! I think so anyways...I really like it... anyways!

It was the biggest one out of the four littermates I had to choose from (which, by the way, were all staying in the same viv...tisk tisk...) And the lady there let me hold all of them...well..two of the four, just to see the different color varieties...and I held one that was red..don't know the techinical name..tho I know it wasn't a bloodred. And I held the one I got, which is an amel, I know that, but I don't know if it's ghost or snow or what! I'll take pics with my mom's new camera and you guys can help me decide, since the people at PETCO were just calling them albinos...ignorant peoples... But then we went to the other pet stores around and none of them had any corns, so we had dinner and I talked it over with my rents and my bro, none of which were much help....but in the end, I ended up getting the one I bonded with the first time I held it.

It's just so calm and collected when you're holding it, it's insane...but when it's in the viv, it's all over the place! And it's kinda funny, cuz it goes like it's going to go into the water dish, but then reaches to the other side and kinda hovers over the water for a while, then slithers out and only lets it's tail get in the water. What a peach! If it wasn't so little and fragile I would prolly hug it and sqeeze it and call it george! LOL!

I don't know exactly how old it is, the people at PETCO said they didn't even know the exact hatch date..and I haven't measured it for sure since I've only had it for a couple of hours, but I estimate 14 inches...

I'm so happy! Gotta go take some pics!

Congrats on your new baby! The red one's were most likely amels. The ones that are white, or pink are most likely snows. They are the most common ones to find. If it's 14" it's probably very young, around a few months old. Hopefully they've gotten established on feeding before they were sold to Petco. It sounds like you have a mellow baby, so it will probably do well. Can't wait to see the photos!
Congrats on your new baby!!!

When I've got new ones they usually act all crazy in their new home for a while and then settle down and sleep/hide a lot. Make sure you leave her alone as much as possible until you feed her - I know you've been on the forums and prolly know what you are doing - but just a reminder. I have 11 now and still find it hard not to play with the new babies - but don't! The way I see it is "better safe than sorry". :)

Good luck, can't wait to see pics, and let us know how he/she does!
grats on the baby, hope you can post a pic soon. It's always so nice to hear people's enthusiasm when they get their first corn!
Thanks so much guys for your well wishes! And I'll try not to hold him/her too much, but feeding is on wednesday, so I'll have to then...but until then, I'll let things settle.
I took some pics lastnight, but I'm not sure about the quality...it was kinda fuzzy, and my mom took her camera to work with her today, prolly to show all of her friends at the vet my new snake! She's the receptionist there, but she could be a tech with just a little bit of training...she's the glue there too!
Anyways...I'll post the pics when she gets home, you guys are gonna love him/her!
Congrats on your new baby. I can't wait to see pics. BTW, the receptionist at my vet's office told me I have to bring my snakes in on Wednesdays because she is scared of them, and that is her day off! :crazy02:
That's hilario! My mom's not afraid of the snake, she just doesn't wanna see the baby mice, or have to watch it eat. Geeze...we picked up 5 pinkies tonight and I had no clue just how tiny they were! Like little oversized jellybeans or something... :shrugs:
So, here are some pics I took lastnight when I was setting up the tank and stuff. There's one of the viv too (it has water stains on the side cuz I used to have fish in it, even tho it's stictly for reptiles.... :grin01: )
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might make the pictures smaller!? This is really flipping making me mad! All but one of the pictures I've ever tried to upload on here has been too flippidy small! Sorry for that...it's just that I really wanna share my baby with you guys!
If you have photoshop or a similar photo program you just need to resize it so that the pixels per side are less than 150,000.
Lennycorn said:
I just surprised you didn't say OMG, OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG.
LOL hehe

Good luck to you girl
LOL! I do say that a lot huh? Oh well! I think I figured out how to resize the pics, since we do have photoshop...let me try...be ready for an outburst if it doesn't work... :grin01:

Dang it! Lemme go resize the sides, now that it has the correct amount of pixels....frikkin a!

Oh and by the way, I'm "Buying another mouse eater..." tomorrow, as my dad told my brother. It's from a guy in my first period agricultural education class. I don't know what it looks like, but I'm paying 50 dollars for it and the viv, so I'm excited! And maybe if I ever flippin figure out how to make the pictures work, I'll post some pics of him too(I know this one's a him :) )
Let's see....I'll go give this ANOTHER FLIPPIN TRY!
I'm almost completely positive it's gonna work this time since I've resized all of them twice!

WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now let's just hope they look half decent.... :grin01:


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Oh come on guys! Feedback please!? Did I pick a good one? LOL! I love it, so I think it must be good.

And about the snake I got from the guy in my class...it would have been really nice if he had warned me that it was going to try to strike at me when I put my hand in the viv! Does anyone know about any way to tame a corn snake? Cuz I don't want to have just wasted 50 dollars on a really gorgeous snake I can't hold.... Anyways...I'll take a pic or two when I can and let you guys see my gorgeous new guy!

The one in the pics looks like a little snow to me.

Good choice, my first corn was a snow too. She's about the same age as you now! :)

As for the other one, if it's just been moved about, it's likely to be a bit stressed, which may well cause it to act a bit more aggresively.

Having said that, we don't know much else about it. How old is it? Did he handle it regularly? Younger corns do tend to be a bit jumpier and more defensive and generally they'll tame down with persistent handling as they get older.

Or, it may just be a grumpy one. Some are just like that. You'll know for sure in a year or three's time .... ;)
Well...I always say, you never get a second chance at a first impression..but second opinions are important too!

I realized that the newbie was prolly going to be shook up from two car rides today and then a girl with a "Git-R-Done!" hat on looking at him for an hour or so...so I gave him a chance to settle down in my room a bit, then I needed to clean his cage! It was so nasty!
The water bowl was a little glad tuperware thingy and it was covered in algae and pretty much bone dry...the substrate (if you could even classify it as that) looked just like the previous owner had put some dirt in it and tried to grow grass, or had dug up some already grown pieces of grass and dirt from his lawn, and thrown it in there. There were prolly 10 poops in there :eek1: , and that's so not healthy! It doesn't take much to clean up if you have them in the right substrate! Also, it smelled of ammonia so badly...it was like changing a rodent cage after it hasn't been changed for like a month! There was a moldy piece of bark in there that I'm guessing was supposed to be decoration or a hide or something...but it was all covered in fox tails! I don't know about you guys, but I am not okay with fox tails around any animal! We have lots of them and 9 dogs...so I've seen to every extent what kind of pain and destruction they can cause.... :cry: (We once had a dog who got a fox tail embedded in his genitals! And someone brought a dog to the vet where my mom works with a fox tail that had gone into the dog's eye and had worked it's way to the brain!)

I see now why the poor guy was so pissed! I would be too! :mad:

And he just laid a little poopie...I don't know whether to be worried or not :shrugs: ...it kinda looked like a bird poopie...in fact...almost exactly like one...and that's not what snake poopies are supposed to look like! The kid's (the one who I bought the snake from) mom told me that the snake had eaten earlier this week, but she didn't tell me on exactly what day, so could he maybe just be expelling the excess from his meal?

He is in quarantine! I won't touch him and then my other precious baby without doing a surgeon scrub first! But since I'm not touching the little snow for anything but feeding for a while anyways...it shouldn't be a problem... I'll take a fecal after he eats a meal I administer myself and have the doctor check it out... :poke: We'll see if anything's going on then.....

Anyways..I'd just like to let you know, that he is really pretty friendly and will cruise up your arm after you let him know that you're not a predator or food. I think we'll become friends in due time!

As far as age goes, I have absolutely no clue! He looks to be 2 and a half feet to 3 feet long and about and inch and a half in width. And I cannot believe how gorgeous! I don't think the boy who used to own him took very good care of him, and so I doubt he was handled much...though the boy also has a red tail boa...and I sold 4 of my baby chicks to him! Maybe I should be worried about them! I'll try to relax for now...and I'll keep you posted on the fecal and I'll post some pics of the newbie! *I cannot belive that kid sold me such a gorgeous snake for only 50 dollars! And the cage too! Oh, and the really nice hide I forgot to mention...that was the only part about the original set up I liked..so it's all I kept....*

:laugh01: *Don't know why I put that<<<It was cute and kewlie and stuff....but it's totally off topic!

You have a beautiful snow there. And it sounds like you have everything under control as well. From the description of the tank, the snake is definitely better off with you than with his previous owner. Good luck with him and congrats on your new baby.
BeckyG said:
From the description of the tank, the snake is definitely better off with you than with his previous owner.


By the sound of the state of his tank when you got him, no wonder he was a bit pissed off.

I'm sure his temperament will improve in line with his living conditions .... which sound like they are on the up already.

Feels good to save a snake, doesn't it? I saved this corn (3feet and 8 inch long girth width approx. almost 2 inch) form the viv on the other pic, priced 50 euro or 60 dollars! Aren't we good people? :rolleyes: And the big guy is mellow as a marshmellow... I guess thankfull, just like yours!


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Price including viv, pics have changed place but of course you understand the pic with the corn in the viv also is at his former owner... he's much better now!