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I have a new corn snake, and she just shed. I need advice!


New member
As I stated in the heading, my 4 month old corn snake just shed, but I can't find her skin! Could it have come off in such small pieces that I just can't find it? Is that possible? I know that she was in her blue phase, and I provided her the shed box like I was supposed to do. I left her alone for a few days, and wanted to check on her this morning, because she left the shed box sometime yesterday, and so today I decided to pull her out to see how she was getting along. When I pulled her out she was as beautiful as before she started bluing! She seems happy, when I put my hand in to get her she didn't strike at me and I was able to pick her up with ease. I have had her about 4 weeks as of this Friday. I am about to give her her third feeding since I got her, and I have yet to see any sign of her going to the bathroom anywhere either! Should I be seeing it? I am using a more course substrate, as I am using a course mulch material from Petsmart for Reptile bedding. Is this why I'm not seeing her shedding as well? Please help! I need advice! Btw, I would put a picture of her on here, but I'm using my cell phone, and when I go to attach a file, it won't let me. Maybe a moderator could help me with that part!
Btw, her age is based on what I was told by my contact who purchased her at a snake show in Fredericksburg, VA and that it is a female. He is very familiar with snakes so I'm sure he got them at a reputable breeder. That being said I can't be positive until I can count her tail rings top and bottom. I also have to get a scale to weigh her and I need to measure her length as well!
Mine tend to look all bright and shiny after their eyes clear before they shed. If you can't find it, it may be either in the substrate, or she hasn't shed yet.
She does look bright and shiny, but I have been through the entire substrate, and it is a large brown mulch material, which IMHO would think it would be easy to see at least a partial shed, as quick as she did it. I can't imagine that she would clear without shedding. Could she? Is there a such thing as too much humidity? It's been extremely humid here, at 100% at times, especially the day the day I put her shed box in. She got out of it two days later and hid under the fake foliage I have in the back of her tank, but I left her alone for another day. The next day, I was concerned if she had shed or not, so I went in to pick her up and she was all shiny new! If I could show you my tank, you would understand why I say that there is no way I could have missed it. I took everything out of her tank, as well as her, and searched though it completely, moving all of her hides and her tree. Nothing!
I've been fooled like that before - searched the viv for a shed to realise it hasn't actually shed - its quite normal for them to look 'normal' between the blue phase and shedding. Don't panic - wait a couple more days and see.

Some more experienced people will drop by I'm sure, but a four month old corn poo is fairly small - its possibly just absorbed by the substrate. You could try paper towel for a few weeks if you want to be sure. Does she look swollen at all at the vent? If not I would guess she is going somewhere in the box
I'm asking about shedding, not pooing, but that was also on my mind as well. The reason I asked about about the shedding was because I felt that I should be able to see her skin after she shed. I assumed that the poo was probably because of her size. I will wait for a few more days to see if she does in fact shed. I hope she does so soon. I was just making sure that something that I did, was not the cause of her stopping her from shedding.
I think they shed when they are ready to shed

Dont panic - one bad shed shouldn't hurt a corn. Most likely she will shed beautifully tomorrow or the next day.

Just relax for a day or two, and if further problems someone will have been there
The first time my butter shed with me, I panicked too. She was in blue almost a week and then one day I looked in and saw how shiny she looked and thought that surely she shed. I searched around for it and didn't find it, and it startled me. Three to five days later shed just fine. Your situation isn't anything out of the oridinary. Quite normal in fact. ;)
Thanks, I feel a lot better knowing this. It is scary when something that is relying on you to tag take care of it, and you really don't know everything you thought you knew about them. I love all my animals and reptiles alike! I love the fact that she trusts me now, enough to just reach in and pick her up. I love how curious she is and wants to see what I'm all about too! I love it when she slithers through my hand, and I love it when she curls around my fingers and curls up in my hand. She literally ties herself into knots. I love how when she is exploring the floor, she doesn't move away from me, she moves toward me. I absolutely love my girl! I have two dogs, both are boys, and I love them both so much, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't laugh isn't a day that goes by that I don't laugh at them several times at least. There is something different about her. One, she is a girl, and in this house there is definitely a shortage of those compared to boys, and two, I don't have to deal with her if I don't feel like it or I am sick, and three, I love snakes. I had two green snakes when I was a child, and always played with the green snakes when I was growing up. So now I have my baby girl and I am freaking out and I haven't even had her for a full month, lol! Anyway thanks!
That's just that "new parent instinct." I've finally pretty much completely relaxed from the freaking out stage. But it will pass the longer you've had her and the more you've gotten used to her schedule. I keep a notebook and mark down the dates of each feeding, and each shed. Helps me keep up with it better so I know when to most likely expect it. Nothing's wrong, so no reason to freak out. :) Congratulations on your baby. Enjoy her. I know I love mine. Thinking about adding more very soon. They're addictive!
That's just that "new parent instinct." I've finally pretty much completely relaxed from the freaking out stage

exactly. I'm sure you will wake up today or tomorrow and see the corn sitting in the middle of the viv looking beautiful and very pleased with herself, and the old skin somewhere about.
Yup, they go blue, then they clear up, then they shed. One of mine does this whole process in a week, the other takes 2-2.5 weeks. Of course after I got them the fast one shed first so I started freaking out about the slow poke :laugh: then one day the old skin was in the tank & new skin was on the snake.

Oh and FYI they can be a bit twitchy right after they shed. The new skin seems like it is a bit sensitive, the twitchiness usually goes away within 24 hrs or so.
I want to thank everyone who posted on this thread! I also wanted to update everyone in her condition! She shed last night at around 10:30 pm. I went into her tank to see how she was doing, and though she hadn't shed yet, but she was doing fine. I kept her out for only about 5 minutes, and held her, but I put her back in her tank and I decided to try and feed her, and see if she would eat. I went to pull everything from her tank and I immediately stopped when I noticed she had started to shed. Her skin was sticking straight up from her head, so I put everything back in her tank and left her alone for another 10 minutes and went into her tank and just moved her log hide, and that's when I saw her skin completely intact. In looking at her this morning I could see that she did have a little bit of skin left on her tail at the very tip. I haven't done anything with it yet, but I will check her out later today to see if it has come off, and if not, then I will try to get it off either by rubbing it with a damp warm cloth. If she'll let me! LOL!
I wanted to thank everyone for your help! Ms. Daisy has shed as you said she would! I was going to see if she would eat, and so I took her out of her tank and held her for about 5 or so minutes. I decided to put her back and check to see if she would eat, but when I took her log hide out of the tank, she was under it and she had started to shed. I put her log hide back in and left her alone for another ten minutes or so until I opened up her tank again to check on her. I moved her log hide again and there was her skin in one continuous piece., and when I picked her up, she was beautiful! The only issue with her shedding was a little leftover skin on the very tip of her tail. If it is still there this evening, I will use a warm damp cloth and gently rub it off. Again, thank you for all your help!
Don't leave that tail tip too long. It can dry out and cut off the circulation, causing the very end of the tail to die and fall off. Pop a wet wshcloth in your feeding tub and leave Ms Daisy in the 'Snake-o-bath' for an hour or so, The humidity and having the cloth to rub against should help it come off.


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