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I have a new snake, a Ball Python!


Romulan with corn snakes
I waited, and waited, and waited again, and he's HERE! He is a normal ball Python. His name was Zubrei when I got him (pronounced zoo-bree) but after consideration, I dicided to name him Houndini, after that famous escape artist. Pics. to come VERY SOON. :sidestep: VICTORY IS MINE!!!!!!!! :grin01:
Congrats! I've always loved the look of ball pythons and just haven't made the leap to own one yet, can't wait to see pics!! :)
Congrats! I've always loved the look of ball pythons and just haven't made the leap to own one yet, can't wait to see pics!! :)

Second that!
If i only could be sure he always would eat (eventually). I just couldn't feed live...
I'm almost certian he's a normal. my computer isn't exactly being cooperative when it comes to pics. I'm trying again now.
I really like my bps, they are just so relaxed and just "chill" that makes it nice to hold them when I dont feel like having to constantly move my hands to keep up with them like my corn.
I really like my bps, they are just so relaxed and just "chill" that makes it nice to hold them when I dont feel like having to constantly move my hands to keep up with them like my corn.

I agree! I appreciate the beauty of my corns but prefer the personality of my ball pythons.

Congrats and enjoy your new addition!
I hope this works

copy and paste this link in your adress bar. thts all my computer will let me do at the moment...
copy and paste this link in your adress bar. thts all my computer will let me do at the moment...

You have to upload the photo online (http://photobucket.com/ this site is a good one for doing that) and than post the link to the photo on the site. You can do that by just clicking on the link with IMG code (the screen pops up if you put your mouse over one of your uploaded photos)
You can also go to the "TEST AREA" forum on this website and mess around with the attachment/picture settings to help you get a hang of things.
congrats on your new ball :) our little rescue ball took a lot of coaxing to eat,but she has finally gotten a good feeding response now! She has such a mellow personality---we had gotten to the point of feeding live just so she would eat,but then MegF. on this forum gave me a tip which was really helpful~~heat your water to almost boiling to thaw the mouse --& it works,'cuz Balls are definately more interested in warm prey :)
well at least you can see it now... Oh I also heat the F/T mouse after it defrosts. then he'l eat. but he likes his privacy... :rolleyes:
Second that!
If i only could be sure he always would eat (eventually). I just couldn't feed live...

No need to feed live :) Mine eats f/t just fine. Once he hit maturity he didn't really eat consistently (he would eat a rat every 4-5 weeks), but I switched him to ASFs because I like my critters eating.. and his feeding response to them is ridiculous. He actually will strike and constrict them now, before I'd have to leave the rat over night for him because he didn't want to eat in front of me.

And congrats to the OP! Ball pythons are so much fun!! I love mine to death, he's definitely one of my favorite snakes. Right behind my motley boy ;D