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I have a quick question re pipping....


New member
I have my eggs all 6 in a small sandwich type container w/ lid. When they start to pip do I take the lid off? Or do I keep it on? If I take it off should I have them in a larger container that is sealed so they don't escape? UGH why does this seem hard?? HELP I'm at day 67 & feel like I am having another baby & need to have a birth plan! LOL I've already went crib hunting for them all! :dancer: Just got to get the cribs set up! I just feel like I won't be prepared in time!!! :idea:
Probably best to have a bigger container that has air holes and a lid that you can put the smaller container in. Once they start pipping, take the lid off the small container.
How many eggs are there Vikki? I left the lid on, with no air holes, and removed babies as they hatched, to shoeboxes. Lots of people leave the clutch together till they shed, or even longer. Others separate immediately. So I guess it depends on what you're going to do after they hatch!
Thanks guys I have 6 eggs & they all look very healthy when I candle them. Here is my set up as you can see there really isn't a lot of room. So I can put this container inside a bigger one & as they come out they will have more room to move.

I have already bought their cribs! 6 of them. So I have individual containers for them.
So should I start them off together or seperate? CRAP I just confused myself!!!
I had mine in a bin that was about 15 inches long, 9 inches deep and 2 inches tall. No air holes, I just opened and peeked as often I wanted and they got air flow. I like how that worked and will use it in the future. If you incubate in a smaller container I would also advise putting their container in a bigger one with the small lid off after I see the first slits.