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I have an idea, but I meed help.


New member
Alright. I wanna get this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0040FJ27S/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1382622314&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70
Right. Thats simple as can be. But. I now have 2 snakes. And they're both on this nifty stand I found at goodwill for $10(gotta love them places) so the question is. What would I have to buy to put one strip on one tank, cut it, and then put another on my other tank? If you need pics I can post some later today. I'm putting then on the tanks because one, I'm moving soon and don't wanna deal with trying to get them off the wall behind the tanks and 2 I have white walls and the light will reflect pretty decent anyways. I have a son, and I live with my fiancé's sister and her 2 boys as well so they like the snakes but with little light in the room they can't really see the snakes. So, DIYers unite and help a fellow hobbyist out? Lol. Plus I think its a prettt cool idea.
Also, I don't want it to be too permanent (soldering, etc.) because as I said, moving soon so I don't wanna have to rip it apart 4-5 months from now.