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I knew this would happen!!!


New member
So, last night I came home from the movies and found that one of my dogs had gotten out of her crate, and ripped apart my bag of vermiculite. The first thing I said to my girlfriend was "You watch, she(female Anery) will lay her eggs tonight. Guess what I woke up to this morning? That's right 13 eggs. So, I'm waiting for the pet store to open so I can get some moss, I not sure if the place I orginaly got the vermiculite is open today, no answer on the phone there as of yet. Anyway, I have attached a couple of pics of the eggs. This is my first clutch, so I think they look ok, but what do you think????



P.S. I really need to set the time on my camera, good thing the date is right....
Try Lowe's, in the gardening section. It will cost alot less! (And they are probably open now).

NICE clutch!
Yeah, I am headed out the door, we don't have a lowe's here, but we do have Home Depot. I to thought that one was a dud.
WooooHooo!!! For Your Snakes and YOU!! Congrats on the eggs! And I gotta tell ya, that old "Murphy's Law thing" is sometimes pretty cool!! Maybe I should "LOOSE" my bag of Vermiculite, maybe that would get things with Ms. Whytsnake movin on!! LOL

I am very happy for you! IF my "was a boy, now is a girl" EVER lays, it will be my first time too!! Until she does though, I will just wonder around here and join in of celebrating of ya'all... And quietly keep my fingers crossed that My Whytsnake does SOMETHING soon! LOL I swear she looks like she could explode from the middle any time!! I NEVER would have thought, she could get THAT FAT!! LOL

Mary Ann
Looks like a great looking clutch to me. Except for the one you already noticed.
Rest are nice and white and plump.
Good luck and what are the parents?
Parents are both Anery het amel. I am excited to see what I get in a couple of months. Here some pictures of mom and dad.


HAHAHAHA!!! O M G ! ! ! That "Murphy's Law" thing HAS attacked HERE! That "bag of vermiculite" I thought I had inthe shed... Turned out to be POTTING SOIL!! :poke:
Soooo... I go to the store to get some and... "They ordered it for me, cuz it's a bit early in Tahoe to have it in stock!" It won't be here until THURS! ! !

......so with any luck at all... I will have eggs between now and Thurs!

.............to funny I think!

By the way.. GORGEOUS parents there! And healthy lookin beasts too!
Congrats again
Congratulations on your clutch. Most of them look beautiful! Maybe the dog knew the eggs were on the way and was jealous! lol Hopefully the vermiculite issue was your glitch for the season and you'll have nothing but blessings from this point on. :cheers:
So, Wed. will be 60 days and counting. And of the 14 eggs laid, 3 have died. I know that it's still early, but I was wondering if there are any signs when I should start seeing some pippes? Thanks for all advice.
This is my first year to breed, but I've read that the eggs often visually deflate in the 3-5 days before pipping. The babies are absorbing yolk, and the eggs dimple inward. Maybe the experienced folks have some other "signs" to share. Good luck!
This is my first year to breed, but I've read that the eggs often visually deflate in the 3-5 days before pipping. The babies are absorbing yolk, and the eggs dimple inward. Maybe the experienced folks have some other "signs" to share. Good luck!

Thanks for that info, hope to get some more info from others.