I think the idea of going out and snatching up 30 or 40 assorted wild corns snakes is unnecessary, given the tens of thousands that are bulked out every year, here in the States and abroad. Maybe 20 years or more ago, with keeping reptiles such a "niche" hobby and the demand lower, the impact on the snake's population was so little it wasn't harmful. With the explosion of the Herptile "pet" trade and the world wide connectivity the Internet affords, where it was one or two jobbers doing it before, it could be 100's...and that won't be good lol...
There's nothing wrong (JMHO of course) with taking a few wild caught animals from an area known not to be threatened, but how long will populations be able to sustain "bulk snatchin' " just for profit :shrugs: and if it doesn't, then you find yourself in the position of being unable to take ANY. Still blaming those wonderful people in DC and your home state capital for all the recent anti-reptile keeping legislature? Better think again...