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I need advice!!


New member
Me and my wife Minlynn rescued 3 corns that we were told were al 2 or 3 years old. We found out tonight we were lied to about their ages. Our oldest (Valdermort) is 6 and weighs 544 grams (Pinky) is 4 and weighs 156 grams and the youngest (Salazar) almost 4 years is 154 grams. They are all eating pooping and sheading since we have gotten them in Dec. The youngest two have grown some... But i am afraid they are not at a healthy weight or size does anyone have any feeding advice or anything they would help me make sure they grow and stay or get healthier?

Thank you in advance!!
150 grams is very light for a 4-year-old snake. If that is truly their age, then they have been grossly underfed. 300 to 400 or more would be closer to normal.

Regardless, where to go from here will be the same even if they are of a different age. Select prey that is about 1 to 1 ½ times the diameter of the snake. Feed them weekly. That’s about it.
Are they skinny? I mean they could be 6" and 544 grams or 4' and 544 grams.
You see??

Just feed them every seven to ten day, that vary with the different snake you have, and you should be fine.

I feed mine an food item that is 1 1/2 the snake girth. And you could also use Roys feeding plan too. It goes by the weight of the snake and food item.
Munson feeding plan I think. search for it.
I see that Minlynn has posted pic of the hatchlings, did she or you post pic of the rescued ones?
I thought she had some on her profile but she is posting some on here right now. Then everyone can see them.
Thank you guys! I was damn near in tears when this lady finally told us their true ages. I know the oldest is at a good weight and length but now I know that the two youngest are very underweight and I'm assuming pretty short beings that they are both only about 2 feet long. We have been feeding them 2 medium mice every 7-10 days and that does leave a visible bump for 2 days. I'm just really sad to find out just how neglected these guys really were. Do you think they will grow anymore now that they are being fed properly or will they just be pretty small for their ages? I know I'm sounding pretty noobie right now. Here are some pics of them:

Salazar(4 years old) and Pinky at 4:

Pinky compared to my 6 year old's arm:
The amels look OK but the normal is skinny.

Snake never stop growing the just grow slower as they age.
Do as you stated and see what happen with the growth.
Not all snake are going to be the same weight and lenght.
They are small for a 4 year old snake. Not as alarming as I expected. They don't appear starved. I would say just keep them on a regular feeding every week. They should still grow.
Yea i figured them not tking care of them would stunt them some. I just wish they would have been more honest about it when i took them. But thats why I like snakes they cant lie.
Okay, thanks! We'll keep on with what we're doing and monitor their weight and growth. We just wanted to make sure we didn't need to be feeding them more than what we are now. Poor babies! I'm so glad we took them in.
Just a note on growth after neglect.
The PO of my snake "inherited" her from his son when his son went to college. He told us he gave her a mouse about every two weeks or so. She was very thin. I never weighed her then but she was 4' 4" in length.
This snake has grown steadily and is now 5' long and presently her weight stays near 1000 grams.
I think it depends on the snake.
Thank you i have seen some growth in them in just a mth. These people said they were only feeling them 1 or two mice a month. They tried to tell me they fed them before they gave them to me. And i fed them about 4 days later after they got used to their new cages and they ate like they hadent seen food in a long time. They also had these 3 all in the same 40 gal viv when we picked them up.
Boy,these people are just pieces of work! The whole thing that got this started was when we weighed them for the first time tonight. Matt was still in contact with the PO's and he asked them (again) what there ages were. We had been told 4 for the oldest, 2 for the amel and 1-2 for the other normal. Tonight, like we said, magically their ages doubled! She said she forgot that they were as old as they were then got pretty defensive and asked why we felt like we needed to weigh them. Matt explained that we bought a new scale so we can weigh our new hatchlings and we just thought we would amuse ourselves by weighing the adults. He also explained that,unfortunately, the two were pretty small and underweight for their ages. He was nice about it and didn't accuse them of anything. We're not those kind of people. We don't like to start wars.

We got called everything but human for insinuating they didn't take care of them! Now they regret letting us take the snakes and I'm afraid they're going to try to take them back from us. Matt says not to worry about it but,dang it, I'm so upset!
Snakes in the wild grow at different rates, just because they aren't growing as fast as they possibly can doesn't mean they are not healthy snakes.
It's a way of maintaining an equilibrium with nature.
Prey is plentiful, snakes reach breeding size sooner, lay bigger clutches= more snakes.
Too many snakes, they don't grow as fast, not as many babies because they aren't all of proper breeding size and the don't lay as many eggs because they don't have enough food. That's just nature's way of making sure there's enough food for them all.
A little skinny is better than obese.
And I agree. I'm glad they are just thin and not obese. If these people had been feeding properly and caring for them properly and they were still this small, I would say they're just small snakes. They weren't though. We knew they weren't really caring for them well and that's why we wanted to take them in ourselves. We weren't worried about their size when we were told they were only 1 and 2 years old. We just became worried when we were now told they are 4 and nearly 4. They knew how old these snakes were and for some reason felt the need to lie to us about that. And they didn't even shave just a year off. They shaved 2 years off for all 3 of them. My 4 year old is now 6 and my 2 year olds are now 4 and that's all because they "forgot".
The one looks a little skinny, but not too bad. They probably didn't put on as much length to compensate for the lack of nutrition. My 4yo rescue looked skeletal at 175g when I got her, but I think she's a bit longer than your sweeties.

Just keep them on a regular feeding plan and they'll fill out and keep growing. It will be slower going than if they were younger, but they'll do fine with proper care.

Kudos to you for giving them a good home. I have a special place in my heart for rescues. :)
Update time!

Well it's been a month and I just wanted to let everybody know how Pink and Salazar are doing now.
Pink weighs as of today 189g.
Salazar weighs as of today 193g.
And just for good measure, the big guy Voldemort now weighs 575g

This is being on a diet of 1 large adult mouse every 7 days.