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I need help Identifying


Born Oct. '06
I just bought my first Cornsnake about a week and half ago and when i bought it, there was no recognition to what exactly it was and if it were male or female, I do know that my new corn is about 6 months old, anyways, I went onto Kathy Love's site and watched the video for popping and when i went into action nothing popped so im assuming its a female, if anyone has any ideas i would appreciate your thoughts.


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Well in my opinion it looks like a normal cos it looks like mine and people said that it was a normal
i might be wrong tho. :shrugs:
o and by the way welcome to the forum
Definitely a nornmal, might be an Okeetee phase normal....the difference is in the thickness of the black border surrounding the Red/Russet saddles.
Yup, it's a normal. As for popping, there are males that who can be stubborn to "pop". I will try popping a snake on three separate occasions and if nothing pops then I am confident in saying it's a female. Also, until you've had practice popping snakes of a known sex, I wouldn't be so sure to call her a her just yet.
awesome, thank you guys so much! and as for popping, I will try a few more times on separate occasions when the cornsnake is ready to come out of its hiding area.