This is being posted to you with the utmost respect. I have been a stubborn teenager at one time and am now raising a stubborn 18 yr old. I am pointing these things out to you for a couple of reasons.
1. If you continue with the behavior you are displaying on here, you will quickly receive no responses from anyone anymore.
2. You're lack of respect and stubborn attitude is currently killing the corn snake you have and if you continue this way, you will likely kill or harm any other animal in your care. At this point your main focus seems to be on yourself(what you want to do regardless of what results it will have) and not on what is best for you animals.
Please look at your behavior listed below and try very hard not to be defensive and think of it as an attack but instead as a chance to see your actions from an outside point of view. This is meant as constructive criticism with the hopes that you will learn and grow from it, and inadvertently your animals will benefit from your personal growth.
You keep asking for help and then getting upset when people try to help you out. You choose not to carefully read what is posted as the answers to your questions and then do not follow the advice given. When things do not work out as you want them to, you blame those trying to help you, instead of taking responsibility for your own lack of reading carefully and following directions.
You have gotten angry and defensive, when people have tried to help you save the life of your corn snake by suggesting you buy specific tools to ensure it's husbandry is correct. You state you have no money and can not afford as little as $8-$15 dollars.Now you have gone out an bought another live animal. This will upset those try to help you when you get angry at them for suggesting you buy items needed to properly care for the corn snake and you say you have no money but now you have money to buy another snake!
In this post you have shown that you have not bothered to ensure you can properly provide for the one you have because when questioned about the corn snake you brush of the question and state you will address the issue in another thread and then go one about the question you started this one for.
Then when advised you should hold off on getting another animal(for the safety of the new animal, no disrespect intended to you) until you know if the corn is contagiously ill you rudely state
too late, its here now.
so back to my question...
This shows a lack of concern for the animals in your care and a lack of respect for the people on here, whom you keep coming to for advice.
You frequently post a problem and then complain about no responses or make a decision before giving anyone time to respond, again showing you do not actually care what people are going to tell you. Example, this thread was started at 6:34am on Nov 20/09, to ask if a shelf would be big enough to house a new snake in and by 10:49 am on Nov 20/09 you state you have already bought the new snake.
These actions are making you look more like a person who is simply coming to a public forum and starting multiple threads for attention and the thrill of an argument(other wise known as a troll), instead of as a person who is coming to the public forum genuinely looking for help, support and friendship in a like minded community.
Please take the time to read this post through beginning to end several times, slowly so that you can get the true tone of my post, it is not rude, harsh or ignorant, it is polite, constructive criticism meant to help you out.
Now for the question of this thread...as everyone has said to you several times in several threads about this corn snake....follow Kathy Love's regurge FAQ, search it out on here....it will take many months for that snake to be healthy if not a year, if you listen, if you do not you WILL kill it. Stop worrying about trying to have a snake with size and bulk it is not a snake body building contest, so what if he is small. Small and alive is better than attempted large and dead.