New member
Here it is. My new cornsnake diablo was given his first fuzzy a week ago. When I can back on monday he looked fine expect there was an unusually large block of feces or possibly barf (I think it was too big to be just a regular poop). It was stinky so I took it out and through it away. Then I checked the heat pad. It was not attached to the bottom of the tank although it was still providing heat. I put my hand where the heat should come up and it was warm but not too hot. When I called up my breeder he said that if the snake was trying to digest without good heat it could get suck and I need to go to the vet. The snake is acting fine and there is a possibility that the pile was just a regular bit of feces. Today I will soak the snake in water but do you guys think I need to go to the vet and if this is a problem what should I do to help the snake before we get medical help? Thanks and I appreciate all help.