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I need some professional advice


New member
I know a breeder near to me who is selling a copperhead rat snake, also known as the radiated rat snake or elaphe radiata, and I am pretty sure he is going to try to rip me off. (I am an amateur and knows that I don't have a great deal of knowledge about snakes and how much they are worth) However I know he's rather desperate to get rid of it so I can probably get it for a decent price. The problem is I haven't the slightest idea what a decnt price is.

The one was originally part of a pair, her/his buddy just died recently. He/She is between 20 and 25 inches and is as thich as my 22 year old pointer finger. He/She appears to be healthy.

I thought that I could just pm someone on this form who is a Senior Member however, I am not finding anyone with Elaphe Radiata experiance, so I thought I'd stick it here for a couple of days and see what I get.

thanks (sorry it's not corn related but I trust you guys and respect your answers)
I am sorry I can't answer your question but I can point you in the right direction. You can ask your question on the Rat Snake Forum on kingsnake.com. The people there post every day, are nice, and are knowledgeable. I am sure they can answer all your questions and more about rat snakes.

You could try going trough the Fauna Classifieds or the Classifieds on Kingsnake.com. There is sure to be a few for sale there and you can compare prices and see if his matches up reasonably

Before you buy, do a search or place an inquiry here.BOI Do a search on the person you are dealing with then if you don't find anything on them,place an inquiry. Also if you do a search on radiated rat snakes you should find an average price. I will say that caution is needed cause you had stated that one of the pair recently died. Try to find out why.I hope this helps.


p.s. If you place an inquiry dont forget to post your full name
awaiting authorization...

I tried that, it didn't work, I got a message saying that I don't have permission to post.

hmmm weird

ok wait, now I have permission : ) yahoo...
so I posted and all is good... (I'm so computer illiterate it's embarrising)
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Did you register? You have to register before you can post. It's just like this site. If you can't register let me know and I wil try to help you by posting an inquiry for you.
