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I need to know


New member
I need to know anything and everything ya'll are willing to tell me about exercising my corn snake, scrappie. Also, how long after feeding should I wait?
THANK YOU! :bowdown:
at least 48 hours to allow for proper digestion...we prefer to take our snakes for a walk - it scares the neighbors :)
lol Buzzard do you have like a little harness like a baby onesie for it with a leash attached ?
Buzzard-aha! yeah I'd love to know how that works! ;) sounds cute to me though!

- as for getting your snake to exercise, is it over weight?
if so I have herd of the following "snake work outs"

- one is the snake" treadmill" (not a literal machine lol) you simply hold the snake in your lap and let it continually crawl from hand to hand. most corns have us doing this on command to keep up with them already so it should be easy! ;)

- the second one I have heard of was swimming: most corns don't exactly enjoy this type of exercise; and it can be a little tricky getting the water temps right. you also don't want to just plop an extrealy overweight/out of shape snake into deep water as this will be a lot of added stress of the snake and you can risk drowning.. you want to start out with about an inch off two of water then slowly work up.

- the final thing that I have seen recomemded was doing stair climbs; whitch my snake LOVES to do and he's only 6 months, but it works. I find that putting something like a sweater or something that like to curl up in at the top of the steps makes them really move up those stairs.

I hope this helps you out a little as I'm still learning too!
If you house your snake in a big enough viv, you can add lots of climbing vines & branches which will help maintain it's natural lifestyle and muscle tone.Ours is in quite a large viv and lately I find her climbing as often as she's burrowed. But I am going to try to do the 1" of water in the bathtub once every month or so...
I'm new to cornsnakes, but from what I know, they are opportunistic reptiles, meaning they are quite content hiding the majority of their lives except for hunting/mating .. Some say feeding live maintains muscle tone with striking/constricting, although your probably safer having a lazy snake eating f/t rather than an injured snake from rodent attacks. Again, I'm a very new snake owner, so that's just my 2 cents. But I can say, I've learned so much from this site :)
I don't see how feeding live will give them muscle tone?
I mean sure it maybe a "bit" of a workout to coil,kill,and swallow the meal, but if the only excercise that their getting is when they eat, I'd worry.. lol

and my snake has NEVER eaten a live mouse, and he's actually just resently learned how to coil the mice, and that's just from me doing the zomby dance, he goes wild.

I would use one of the many other ways of excercising my snake before feeding live..
My snake isn't overweight or anything. I just like to handle him as much as possible to keep him docile and friendly. I learned on here that regular interaction with your snake is beneficial. I usually "play" with my snake before feeding. All in all, it's awesome having a cornsnake and learning from you guys.
You can usually get the snakes to constrict the mice by playing the zombie dance. One day I'll have to get a good quality video of my insane corn snake constricting...

Then again I also have corns which will grab onto the mice, and I'll keep wiggling and they're just like "MOM!!! I KNOW it's DEAD! Stop moving it!!" Lol
I don't see how feeding live will give them muscle tone?
I mean sure it maybe a "bit" of a workout to coil,kill,and swallow the meal, but if the only excercise that their getting is when they eat, I'd worry.. lol

and my snake has NEVER eaten a live mouse, and he's actually just resently learned how to coil the mice, and that's just from me doing the zomby dance, he goes wild.

I would use one of the many other ways of excercising my snake before feeding live..

Just chasing the mouse around the viv is the exercise, that mouse is NOT going to want to be caught and it may take a while to catch it, especially if the viv is a larger one.
Just chasing the mouse around the viv is the exercise, that mouse is NOT going to want to be caught and it may take a while to catch it, especially if the viv is a larger one.
That's not usually the experience with live feeding though. Either the snake strikes and eats, or it ignores the mouse. The exercise would come from the constriction, which many can be persuaded to do with d/f mice anyway. Personally, I don't think a few minutes of constricting makes that much difference, but other people may see a difference in theirs which I don't (I have a couple which constrict d/f anyway).
yes, I agree! I don't see how feeding live would make a difference, its only a few minuets work out like you were saying, I think that regular handling and actually taking the snake out and getting the animal to move is much more of a work out on their bodies.

and like you also said almost all of the feeding videos I have seen of live feedings, either the snake sits there and the mouse is ignored, or they find it right away and its constricted and eaten.. not whole. lot of "chase time".. although I'm sure there might be some corns out there that enjoy a good chase, I'm sure they are few and far between. lol
I have no experience on the issue, just from what I've read and have been told. My corn will not constrict for f/t which really is not an issue but I was thinking of feeding d/f to see if this would encourage her to constrict. I think constrictors should maintain this trait if at all possible, regardless if it benefits muscle tone or not. Being my first snake, again I have no experience so maybe some will never constrict, maybe some develop this trait with age and maybe some are just more naturally in-tune with instinct to constrict their food than others..?
It certainly seems to be an individual thing. Most of mine won't bother constricting defrosted mice, but a couple do go through the roly-poly-kill routine, even when the mouse is just put in with them rather than wiggled about. It only lasts a few minutes before they eat it.