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I never see my Corn


New member
I very rarely see my corn out of its hide, it is very unsociable, I have noticed it disapear into its hide when I enter the room.

Is this normal behaviour or are these the signs of a stressed snake?


I'm new to this so you should get more experienced answears. But mine is dug in all day, then at night when it's quiet he's all over the place! Maybe you should look at night. Also from what I have read they can be very shy snakes, so I wouldn't think there was anything wrong.

:) Hope you get to se him soon!
Give it some time. You just recently inherited this snake from your brother right? It takes time for them to settle in. Corns are usually more active at night so check on it during the evening hours. Corns are secretive they feel secure when they hide. Most of mine are never seen out during the day.

:) Alicia
give him some time

Most snakes just need some adjustment time. My snake is 8 years old and he is out all the time now, but I have to say that he is most active at night, which is why I usually feed him in the early evening. When I first got him at two weeks old, I was about 12 so I was very paranoid, I would search and search for him thinking he had slithered into a corner and died. But he was always perfectly fine. After a couple of weeks I calmed down and I noticed he had started to move around a lot more. So I'm sure your little guy is just playing shy and he will be a very different snake in a week or two. Just be sure you have his terrarium covered on three sides with an earthy color and at a decent temperature (too hot or too cold makes a snake sluggish or inactive); keep his water fresh, and he'll come out when he's ready.

Good luck to you both!:p

P.S. I wouldn't be too concerned unless it affects mealtime (he refuses to eat for 3 weeks or more). But if you inherited an older snake from your brother, then skipping 2 or 3 meals probably wouldn't be any need for alarm either.
Don't worry.

Snakes all have different personalities. Some like to stay hidden more than others. Age does seem to have something to do with it. Maybe as they get older they feel less likely to be attacked and therefore more confident to be in the open.