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ID please! Random array of babies!


New member
So room mates bf has gotten hooked on snakes for some odd reason. He is often in my room playing with my guys...

Either way, he came home tonight happy over a "bargain".... 3 babies for 20 bucks.. (doesn't ring any warning bells here does it?)

He got three snakes, all in the same deli cup, they are very small like 6 grams each, has to be new borns, the "breeder" said they have eaten 2 meals each, might be true..

And he wants to know the morph? I just helped him set up baby bins and separated them.. He has no heating pad either..

To me it looks like two normals one just redder and maybe a hypo? First I almost thought lavender on the brown one but I doubt that esp since normals come in so many shades... or is it three normals?

I love this kid, but I know what happened when he got tired of his puppy.. sighs.



If he got them from a big chain pet store (especially a Petsmart) the two reddish brown ones might be hypos. The darker one looks like a normal.
No his friend put a normal and amel together and he got him from them... so no clue on the parents heritage.. I asked me, and I said I suspect two normals one potential hypo but also said that due to the normals coming in variations of shades it could very well be three normals..
Well like Joe Pierce suggested in another thread, too often what we call "normal" is not actually normal. After staring at hypo babies all week, and considering how common it is, that's still my vote for the two reddish ones. Perhaps the parents are from a big box store?
Looks like two Hypos and a Normal to me. Apparently, both of the parents were het for Hypo.
All of these babies will be het for Amel, if one of the parents was Amel.
So it is two hypos.. I wasn't sure at all.. Thank you guys!

I will let him know.. He wanted to handle them tonight, I sent him to read a care sheet about acclimation and baby snakes. I also had to talk him out of feeding live and explain he has to give them a week..

It will be interesting to see them grow, I thought it was funny as I looked at their belies, half the top is is motley and the same part of the belly is TOTALLY white, then it turns to normal pattern and then also they have belly checkers..

I am glad he likes them though. The puppy when it became too much at around 5 months he gave to his friend.. These pets shouldn't overwhelm him.
It will be interesting to see them grow, I thought it was funny as I looked at their belies, half the top is is motley and the same part of the belly is TOTALLY white, then it turns to normal pattern and then also they have belly checkers..

It's interesting you should mention that. At RbM, we've produced some hypos with extremely reduced belly checkers. One I looked at yesterday had only the faintest markings on the last 20% of its belly and was otherwise clear. I knew hypo could lighten the markings, but I never expected to see such a clear belly.
Oh but these had checkers like normal ones... BUT Only on the half that corresponds with normal back markings. The part that was motley on top was motley on bottom.. Does that make sense? I think I got a crappy belly shot somewhere..
Picture is really bad... Ill see if I can take a few of them when they settled in.. it looks sorta funny tbh..