Once again, not doubting your opinion or anyone else's as I am sure you are all way more experienced than I am. However, my husband and I were looking online last night and we found a couple photos that closely resemble the guy we have. Yes, our guy is lighter than the two photos, but I'm talking about the traits, not the color specifically. The first pic is our guy, the next two are the ones we found online.
The online photos are (1) from a for sale ad posted on the forum by ArpeggioAngel of a Hypo Blood, and (2) from Ian's Vivarium of a Hypo Diffused. Although our guy has belly checks, is it possible that he could be either Hypo Blood/Hypo Diffused, but still have belly checks?
Our guy has a head pattern that is almost invisible, and no lateral blotches (both similar traits to the Hypo Blood/Diffused).
Again, absolutely not questioning anyone's opinion about being normal, because we completely respect your opinions, but since we are fostering this guy we want to be able to give the next owner a good idea of what morph he might possibly be.