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Idea for a snake hide


New member
Hi, everyone, my husband and I just put in a new water pump for the house. While we were in the hardware store, I was looking at the pvc pipe fittings. Many different shapes and sizes, not too expensive. Not the prettiest though. Would these make good snake hides? Different, maybe they can be decorated to make them more natural. I prefer wood, and natural things, but just thought a snake would like to hide in there. I guess thinking about snakes, has made me look at things in a new light. What do you all think, or am I outta my mind?
PVC is inert and would make a great hide. You could decorate it by using silicone to glue repti-bark to it. I'm sure there are other non toxic decorating materials you could use, but that's what I would use to be safe. I think I might get a length of 3" pipe and cut some hides. The larger PVC fittings might serve the purpose as well. The ideas are endless.

I would be sure to provide at least one hide that the bottom is open to your substrate close to the heat source so your snake can hide over the heat while digesting. I have both of my snakes hides half on/half off the heated end of the tank.

>>You could decorate it by using silicone to glue repti-bark to it.<<

You could also glue pebbles.
the pebble idea would be great you could color it any color that you wanted, add a new twist to the enclosure. my buddy has a hedgehog that loves to hide in pvc so I am guessing that a snake would love it too!
Thanks Peter, LizS, and Kenster!

Great decorating ideas! I also thought that I could take a long piece of the PVC pipe, and cut it in half lengthwise, sand off the rough edges, and lay it along the tank so it would cover the warm and cool sides of the tank. This way the snake would be on the substrat, and could go to whichever side it wanted to. I like the idea of making a few holes in the side of the long piece also. And the fittings that are y shaped would be cool for them to crawl into and out of. Thanks for all the ideas, I will go to the hardware store next time I am in town, and buy some PVC pipe to decorate!
I know a guy that uses toilet paper rolls for his hatchlings. So I've definatly seen stranger. They'll work fine.

The other day I got to thinking about rpelacing my Cornnake's hidebox and was thinking I'd use something natural as well. I thought about a piece of tin, roofing shingles, mabye try and get a washer or dryer in there. I ended up sticking with his waterdish/hidebox. Maybe one day I'll go with something natural.