Snake Queen
rakes snock!
Just before I begin... I know there are gajillions of posts about non-eating snakes... but please take the time to read this one! Thank you so much.
Hi, I posted about 4 weeks ago, saying that my 1.5 yr old corn wasn't eating.....well its been six weeks since her last meal and she still isn't eating. When I hold her I can tell she's loosing weight. She isnt as thick as she usually is.
I don't know what else to feed her. I have tried "home raised" frozen, "storebought" frozen, "big" frozen, "little" frozen, exposed brain frozen, "me not touching it at all so it wont smell like me" frozen... and I just tried a live rat pinky today. I got two small strikes at the rat pink, but no eating.
She is waaay active.... she just started being hyper (trying to get out all the time almost) last week. She is also a bit agressive. She has never been agressive before. I am at my whits end. She has never refused a meal, and has never had ANY problems... I Dont know what is wrong!
I have a vet near me, and i know i should go.... but my dad doesnt care if my snake isn't eating and he doesn't like the idea of having to pay $40 for a sick snake. And I have offered to pay fr it myself, but he just doesnt want to take the time out of his day. *sigh*. So I am trying as many forums as I can to see if there is anyone with something that I can try at home... any type of antibiotics i can get...etc...
I don't think she is dehydrated, but I havent seen her drink in a while (i know that doesnt really mean anything). Is there a spray I can get that could help her rehydrate if she IS dehydrated? I know a snake wont eat if it is dehydrated.
I have a question. is it better to hold them a lot or leave them alone when they aren't eating?
in case someone needs it for a diagnosis, the temp is about 80-85 deg F during the day and around 60-70 during the night. It is rather humid, too... about 60% humidity. Her tank has papertowel bedding and a water dish. Thats all she's had for the past year and a half.
Ok, well that's all the info I can give ya. I hope I haven't ruled out all the possibilities with all this info. This is my first cornsnake and I love her very much!!! Thank you to anyone that can help me.
Hi, I posted about 4 weeks ago, saying that my 1.5 yr old corn wasn't eating.....well its been six weeks since her last meal and she still isn't eating. When I hold her I can tell she's loosing weight. She isnt as thick as she usually is.
I don't know what else to feed her. I have tried "home raised" frozen, "storebought" frozen, "big" frozen, "little" frozen, exposed brain frozen, "me not touching it at all so it wont smell like me" frozen... and I just tried a live rat pinky today. I got two small strikes at the rat pink, but no eating.
She is waaay active.... she just started being hyper (trying to get out all the time almost) last week. She is also a bit agressive. She has never been agressive before. I am at my whits end. She has never refused a meal, and has never had ANY problems... I Dont know what is wrong!
I have a vet near me, and i know i should go.... but my dad doesnt care if my snake isn't eating and he doesn't like the idea of having to pay $40 for a sick snake. And I have offered to pay fr it myself, but he just doesnt want to take the time out of his day. *sigh*. So I am trying as many forums as I can to see if there is anyone with something that I can try at home... any type of antibiotics i can get...etc...
I don't think she is dehydrated, but I havent seen her drink in a while (i know that doesnt really mean anything). Is there a spray I can get that could help her rehydrate if she IS dehydrated? I know a snake wont eat if it is dehydrated.
I have a question. is it better to hold them a lot or leave them alone when they aren't eating?
in case someone needs it for a diagnosis, the temp is about 80-85 deg F during the day and around 60-70 during the night. It is rather humid, too... about 60% humidity. Her tank has papertowel bedding and a water dish. Thats all she's had for the past year and a half.
Ok, well that's all the info I can give ya. I hope I haven't ruled out all the possibilities with all this info. This is my first cornsnake and I love her very much!!! Thank you to anyone that can help me.