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I'm expecting Canadian twins!!!


New member
I live in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. I've never kept snakes before but I've always liked them. I've gotten into different hobbies in my lifetime including carnivorous plants, freshwater fish, saltwater fish and reef tanks.

I've decided the time is now to get into snakes. My wife is not too happy about this but I've bought two snakes from Don Soderberg and I'm hoping to get them next week when shipping resumes. I decided to start my collection with an Amel Bloodred and Ultramel Bloodred and I am SOOO excited to them.

Thats it for my brief intro. I'll update more when I get them.... hopefully with pics.
Hello Chin, welcome.
You've got a lot of colors in that tank, that's beautiful.
Do you have your snake's homes ready?
This is what you may expect. This is a Don Soderburg Amel blood red. You got one of the best.


  • Amel Bloodred 225-02F (Medium).JPG
    Amel Bloodred 225-02F (Medium).JPG
    59 KB · Views: 143
thanks for the compliment on my reef tank.
I've got the homes ready. A 10g and a 18x18 Exoterra tank to start out with. They are filled with aspen now and I've had a UTH being shared by the two tanks. The temps in the substrate are in the mid to high 80s. The other ends of both tanks are not heated so there are cool spots for them to retreat to if needed. Food is coming the day I pick up the snakes but i'll wait a few days before trying to feed them.
Wade - thats a beautiful snake. How old is s/he? I went with Don based on his reputation for quality. I know there are many other here with quality but this is my very first two snakes and I wanted one of the best - I figured I can't go wrong with Don.
Its not so frozen as last week. Its starting to thaw. I'm asking don to ship it to a parcel outlet just south of the border and I'll go pick it up. Its only 30 min to the border for me.
Hello and Welcome! I live only about 1/2 hour away from you in Aldergrove BC :)

Congrats on getting the snakes from Don, he's one of the best out there, that's for sure! ;)

If ya ever want to come out for a visit and see my corns let me know :) Also, make sure you join the BC reptile club if you haven't done so already! We had a cool potluck meet up yesterday in Langley!

Congrats on the new snakes. I've got a few in my collection that came from Don. I'm very pleased with what he sent me.
Twins are here!

My snakes just arrived from Don :dancer: Had a scare with shipping them with a bunch of flooding on the I5 and I wasn't sure if Fedex would have problems getting them up to Blaine. My frozen mice shipment has been in transit for 7 days now with it being delayed. I was suppose to get it on Friday but should be getting it tomororw Monday. Hopefully its not a box of thawed soggy mice when I get it:nope:

I haven't given them names yet but as soon as I get to know them a little better, names will follow. Let me introduce my twins with pictures:

Male amel bloodred born June 28, 2008

Female ultramel bloodred born August 25, 2008
Hi Chin, thats an awesome reef you have there. I love looking at them, and would love to own one, but realistically I know deep down I couldn't afford the time or the patients...LOL....

You picked up two very nice snakes there.... And good stock, straight off.... Well done.
Looks like we got a player here guys, if the reef is anything to go by.....LOL
New home for new snakes

Well in the first month of Cornsnake keeping, i've increased my snake collection from 2 to 7. I bought a Fluorescent orange, hypo sunkissed, butter stripe and golddust motley from Rich and I bought a sunglow motley from Rebecca at TripleRCorns.
I decided to make a new enclosure for all my snakes, Since I had some glass and wood, I made this 6 shelf enclosure.

Here are pics of some of my snakes now:
Ultramel Blood - look at the change in 1 month in the above and below picture

Butterstripe from Rich

Hypo Sunkissed from Rich

Sunglow Motley from Rebecca

GoldDust Motley from Rich
damn thats a nice enclosure.. You wouldn't happen to have the plans and a material list do ya??

Regards.. Tim of T and J
Wow!! You dove in headfirst, all right!!! Congrats on all the smoking corns! KUDOS for the enclosure! Very nice.

I'm with Tim... if you've got the plans, please DO share! LOL.
Beautiful tank! Looks like you are meticulous about caring for it, very conscious and deliberate. Only two of your anemone look in danger.. the ones you have labeled "fox" and "elegance" look bleached out to me, but other than that the rest look like they're thriving! Not a small accomplishment.

If you extend that same care to corns I have high faith that you'll excel. Welcome to our world!
Thanks guys/gals. Unfortunately I don't have plans for the enclosure. I basically built the unit to the specs of the glass pieces that I had. I had cut the shelves to 36" wide so they would fit 3 pieces of tiles perfectly across. All the hardware for the glass wasn't as cheap as I thought they would be and they were the most costly parts. Actually I lied about the glass - i had to get some of them cut to make them all fit into 6 shelves. I think my next shelf unit will be 7 shelves with each of them 1 feet high. The snakes don't seem to care for the height as much as the width and length.
And my wife still hates them LOL. She didn't know I had increased my collection from 2 to 7. My little boy knew about them and we kept it a "secret" for about 3 weeks. Then I decided to house them in this new enclosure and my wife counted 1-2-3-4-5 containers and began doing some math in her head. Then she interrogated my boy who quickly confessed to the secret and cried "Oh no daddy's going to kill me". Of course I wouldn't do anything to him but it was quite comical to hear his response...... it wasn't quite as comical to my wife raising hell over the number of snakes in the basement! She initially helped me bring the shelf unit from the garage down to the basement and thought "Wow my hubby's actually making some decent looking shelfing units" and I was thinking "wow my wife is getting more supportive about me having snakes that she's helping me with the shelfing unit."
oh hey! I live in Vancouver, I'm met Rebeca and others - the reptile community is fairly healthy here.

Nice to see you on this site, and pretty snakes you have there.