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I'm getting a new baby, I'm getting a new baby!


everything under the sun.
Tomorrow, I'm going to be trading my ball python, Gia, for a five inch long BABY savannah monitor - I love savannah monitors, so I figured it was a good deal. So far the names that have come to my mind are Sergio, Raleigh, Monster, or Ezra.

Of course, in June, I'm still hoping to pick up a baby black throat monitor as well, so lets keep our fingers crossed that I can find myself a baby! If I do get one, I'll be naming it Stza - which will go along, quite nicely with Ezra if I decide to name my new Sav, that. :)! I love leftover crack, and Stza and Ezra are my heroes.
I just wanna make sure you are ready for an animal that needs a MASSIVE CAGE! Like 8x8 and a black throat an entire room just take this into consideration
Believe me, I know whwat I'm getting myself into :) - I have myself a two and a half foot savannah monitor, and argentine black and white tegu already - it's not an impulse pick up. I'm quite familiar with these animals needs.