The warm side should be about 85F, the cool side 75F. Spray the cage a bit with water to keep the humidity up (mostly when it needs to shed) or even soak the corn occasionally to help with shedding. I heard that putting the water dish on the warm side so the water evaporated works well too.
Also, DO NOT put any substrate in the feeding box. My corn sometimes moves when she's eating, and if there were any substrate in there she'd probably be dead by now. Also, you don't need a lamp during feeding. If anything, that'll put the corn OFF of feeding. And, my corn loves taking food from long tongs; she actually hasn't taken any food from my hand. Also, I feed my corn in a shoe box.
I HIGHLY recommend either putting her in a smaller tank or adding A LOT more hides. Sure, you've got lots of stuff to crawl on, but not to hide in. Get some cave like stuff, pieces of bark and put them it.
The pictures are of my 20 gal with a small female corn in it (about 3months, no idea of length/weight). Click the picture to make it bigger.
Part of my corn's body is big because there's a pair of fuzzie mice digesting from yesterday (my mom suggested giving her two since they were small even when I said I didn't think it was a good idea; however, she is holding them down well...).
I recommend getting fake plants like the ones that are suction-cupped onto the glass as well; they look nice and will make the corn feel more secure. Of course, adults don't feel the need to hide as much as hatchlings, so I'm guessing some decorative plants and one hide on each side of the cage would work for an adult.
Here are some suggestions: Plax Deco-Replicas Grottos-5416 (This would do well if you put that big open 'back' part on the bedding and left to holes as entrances)
I'd just hate to hear you lost your corn (which looks like a classic morph, same as mine) because she wasn't able to hide, got stressed, and then wouldn't eat.
Oh, and another thing, I can't tell from your pictures, but if you don't have a locking lid, you should get one or at least weigh the corners of the top down well.