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Im sorry


I know that I have been posting a lot of stupid information and been racking up the posts lately for the stupid and mindless items I have been putting lately.

I also know that there has been a lot of talk about me lately even though no one has come out and stated my name. I am sincerely sorry if I have caused any trouble on this site and I hope I don’t have to leave because I was being immature and I know I have had some dumb post that have just been agreeing with people, and i will put an end to this as soon as possible..

Last I will try to put an end to these uneducated posts I will come up with my own information and back it up with research before I hit post. I have been checking my spelling lately because I know that people were getting mad at me for that and I have changed it so I hope all of you guys and girls can for give me and just give me one more chance before you start shooting down all of my information and ignore all of my posts.

Sincere apologies
Look on the bright side Mangrove,
I admire your enthusiasm, and don't doubt that you share your love of herps with anyone and everyone you can...Slow down, listen and learn, but don't try and stifle your excitement and joy over new information. These message boards exist for those of us that are learning (and we're always learning aren't we?) :)
Kudos to you Mangrove for the appology. I guess you have been 'very enthusiasticly posting' of late but there are a bunch of people on the forum who are posting away like mad and not just you so don't feel like it was all dirrected at you. A little youthful exhuberance is good for us all...what the hey...I'm not even 27 yet and I'm talking like an old fart!!!
Mangrove, I agree with daisy. (And don't think that the irony isn't lost on me!) :crazy02:

Just try to take the high road and avoid getting into a "piss!ing contest". Stay involved, keep reading, learning, follow the Golden Rule, remember that the policeman is your friend, be sure to look both ways before crossing the street, blah, blah, blah. ;)

We can ALL learn SOMETHING from someone else - and more often than not, that "something" we learn is about ourselves.

I don't think so. I think Mangrove is being sincere, and I say "right on" to that.
daisy said:
Look on the bright side Mangrove,
I admire your enthusiasm, and don't doubt that you share your love of herps with anyone and everyone you can...Slow down, listen and learn, but don't try and stifle your excitement and joy over new information. These message boards exist for those of us that are learning (and we're always learning aren't we?) :)

I agree with what daisy has said. When I post, I read it a few times prior to hitting the submit reply button. You wouldn't believe how many times I have not submitted a reply after reading my own post. [Aw crap, maybe I should just throw this one away too.]
You often can tell a lot by how long someone has been a member compared to how often they post. Some folks reply to everything they see in the photo gallery with "Wow! Nice snake!" and have a gazillion posts.