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I'm working on for you guys.....


Old School Snakeman
from Florida a deal. The USF land is owned by the Williams Company. My client. And the rep on site is a snake lover. He has stated if we can get enough people together, he can allow us on site to road cruise. About 15 miles of roadway, traffic free. He will be along on this trip but..... he is seeking hunting rights on the land and is willing to give me/us first shot at herping rights. It will cost (like a hunt club) but if enough get together it will be cheap.:cool:
Geez. There are times when I wish Florida was a WHOLE lot closer to Oregon (until hurricane season, anyway :). I sure hope you can get enough people together to make this happen. It sounds like a Godsend to me.
Talked to Stephan today.....

I told him only one person had showed interest and his reply...."You supply the beer, I'll supply the key." Anybody up for some road cruisin. I found the Gopher Tortoise colony. Good hunting there I hope.

When are you going out next?

I go out there Monday through Friday all day. But we can set up a time. Weather has been strange this year as you know so hopefully good criusin is still possible. Maybe we need to wait for a bit more of a rainy every day thing. We'll keep in touch.