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Immobile baby corn...


New member
I just got my new corn baby yesterday after a four year corn snake break. (What can I say? I can't give them up.)

He (or she) was the only one left in the store, and he's the youngest one I've ever had. I got him anyway because he was coincidentally the color I was hoping to find. I asked the store manager what they feed something so small like that and she said "mouse tails".

When I brought him home, I noticed that when he tried to move, about an inch down, he was very stiff. I've been shrugging it off as the mouse tail digesting because he was last fed Sunday. He hasn't been acting like he's in pain either, and he can curl his tail and rattle it just fine.

Right now, the only way he moves is by "pulling" himself with his head and the upper inch of his body. He also likes to put himself into knots that he finds impossible to wriggle out of and sometimes ends up flipping onto his side or back. This makes me worry if he can even get to his water.

Is he defective or is it his last meal keeping him from getting around?
Hi GraveCicada,
From what you're describing it does sound like there is something wrong with your new baby.To me it sounds like he has some sort of spine deformity that may not be very visible.
Is it possible for you to post some pictures? Sometimes this helps the more experienced keepers/breeders on here to identify what is wrong.
If the guys on this forum can't work out whats wrong with your baby and help you fix it, I , in your shoes would be inclined to take the snake back to the store where you got it and explain to them whats been happening. If they care about the welfare of their animals I'm sure they will offer you your money back or at least replace it.

Good luck to you and the little one,
Sorry, I forgot to say I have never heard of feeding a baby corn snake mouse tails, except when trying to keep a non-feeder going until it feeds voluntarily.
All healthy newborn and small, young corns are fed on tiny baby mice i.e. Pinkies.
I have heard of mouse tails or heads, but since Sunday it should be well digested and he should have poo'd. You said he was a color you want what color is that, I know silly question? trying to help, susan
Really not trying to offend but is this guy 'GraveCicada' for real? It says he is 87 years old :shrugs: susan
I'm a girl, and the age is fake for discretion. :p
Here are some pictures.
By the way, his color is very common, but I've only had this coloration once. The rest were either silvery black or tomato albino. (Expert at corn snake colors, aren't I?)

You're probably right about the spine deformity. I noticed the strange bump in his back yesterday, but I wasn't really sure since I don't have a degree in snake anatomy.


Here's how he gets tangled, the silly little guy:


I'd hate to give him up, but I guess it's for the best. One of the first snakes I had, I had to force feed. He didn't get any better, so I returned him. They told me they'd have to kill him. I've been traumatized ever since. :(
Well Ok, hid my age on here for a while but figured 'what the heck'. Sorry to say in does look like a deformity in pic one, of course no degree here either. It's a shame that iis a beautiful snake. It's probably better for the snake to take it back. I hope they will give you another or your money back. I realize money and another snake can't replace this one. There are some great breeders on here you might check that out or check for a local show this is the time of year for them. susan
I think you're right that definitely looks like spine kinks to me and I would be taking her back to the store for a refund!
It's a shame as she looks like a pretty little "Ghost"? But in all honesty she may not make it even with lots of TLC. She may even have trouble digesting her food if the kinks affect her digestive system.

Sorry but thats my honest opinion Hun,
Thanks. I do have a two week return period, but it still hurts because I feel like I've already bonded. It's for the best.
And it can't feel comfortable for him either.
I'm really sorry about your baby, can't stop thinking about it. Hope you find one that can make you happy as this one. susan
Im sorry your lil one is haveing some problems. It really is a beautiful lil snake.
Feeding it mouse tails can not have to much nutrition for the poor wee thing. Feeding heads , yup ive heard of that one and done it. With some hatchlings it takes trail and error to see what there tastes are.

I hope you find one you will like just as well ...Good luck..
I'm really sorry to hear about this. That deffinately is some sort of deformity. If it doesn't move half its body at all, it could also be paralysis. While it may hurt to return him (or even have to do the deed yourself), it really would be better in the long run. A snake like that probably couldn't function normally, as you wuold have to keep checking that it didn't tie itself into a knot (which can kill it). The longer it's kept, the more heartache it will be. Granted, with much care and frequent checking there IS a possibility it could come through, but IMO it's very unlikely and not worth the work. A fate of constant problems and pain throughout one's life is sometimes worse than the fate of young death.

Hope whatever you decide to do turns out alright.
Even if they do feed tails, I don't even know if he even ate any of them or if they fed him by hand. He really didn't seem capable of being able to eat by himself.

We returned him today with a heavy heart. A store employee examined him and agreed that he had two kinks in his spine, leaving a good portion of the baby incapable of much movement.

This morning, I found him partly underneath his substrate next to the undertank heating pad as usual. Well, the portion of him that he could move to get under there! I thought it was cute, a memory that I will always keep.