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Inactive- should I worry?


New member

Nitro is a male hatchling from last summer. He's been doing great, eating and growing well. For over a week he's been extremely inactive, spending all of his time in one hide.

Didn't think much about it at first, but it's persisted a lot longer than ever before. At first I just assumed he was getting ready to shed, but it didn't really look like it. Now today he looks like he's lightening up so by now maybe that's it, but he's never acted like this for so long.

Also, he's overdue for a meal- it's been about a week and a half. Usually that would never happen because he starts "cruisin" his viv looking for a meal.

He's had quiet stretches for a day or so before but nothing this long.

Should we worry?
Should we try to feed him even though he's showing no interest and now looks like he's heading into blue?

I lift the hide occasionally to make sure he's still with us, he moves his head a bit to look at me but doesn't budge.

Any thoughts?:shrugs:

Thanks, Sara
You probably already know this, but a shed cycle goes from a general dulling of colours for a few days, to the blue-phase for a few days and then their colours return to normal for a few days, and then they shed ;)

If you've noticed a dulling of coulours before and they've now returned to normal, then maybe its about to shed real soon?

All the best
As corns get older they calm down, when mine was a hatchling I saw him all the time and now I'm lucky to see him during the day. If you think he is blue you can try to feed him, some snake will eat in blue some won't. You know your snake betterthen us so if he has eaten in blue before I'm sure he will again.