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New member
Some advice? I'm new to the whole snake keeping dealy, I own a 7 month old corn, and due to plain stupid clumsiness on my part, he was injured last Tuesday.

Monday I fed him two small pinky mice, and the next day while I was changing his water, the rather heavy dish fell on him :( It left a 'dent' along his body right where the bulge from his last meal was, which later swelled up and showed discolouration. He showed a lot of difficulty moving the lower half of his body -- at first it appeared that it was completely paralyzed from the point of impact down. I made an appointment with a vet for Thursday, who determined that he was showing minimal movement in his lower half, so she merely gave him an anti-inflammatory and sent him home. Now today, Monday, he's showing some improved movement, but only does so when absolutely necessary, and even then it looks extremely slight and awkward. He hasn't defecated since his last meal, and I'm hesitant to attempt feeding him again anytime soon.

The vet wasn't particularly helpful in what could be done for him, as they have very little experience with reptiles so I wondered if anyone here could give me some advice as to what I should be doing to help his recovery, or if I should be doing anything? I want to give this guy the best chance I can, any help you can give would be appreciated. Thanks!!
Not that I know of, the closest thing would be in Saskatoon, a 2 hour drive away. And I don't have a way of getting there, I'm only 15 without a license or even a job, and my parents wouldn't be too keen on helping out quite to that extent.
well - it is difficult to say without seeing the snake

if this is just severe bruising, swelling, then he'll be in pain for quite a while, but should make it through fine. You probably broke a few ribs there, but hopefully there isn't internal bleeding.

I wouldn't offer food until the swelling has gone down. You don't want to stretch painful, healing wounds. The anti-inflammatory should have helped. Don't handle him at all. Keep a close eye on the temps, and make sure it stays nice and warm.

If, on the other hand, there was permanent damage done, such as damaging the spinal column, there is no treatment. You say you have seen improvement so this is good.

Just let your snake lay low and mend and time will tell. Sorry I can't be much more positive. It was a nasty accident and could have happened to anyone.

I must agree with Skye.

Sounds like he bruised the area around his nervecord. Well however as you said he is improving. That means that there is nothing seriously irreversible broken. Of course he is not moving around much. Would you with a broken leg??

Just give him a lot of time and maybe go back to the vet in about a week or so to get him checked out again. He'll be able to say how well the snake will get again.

The best of luck to you and the little corn.

thanks for that link Terri - what a great idea - I've been wanting there to be a reptile vet online for a long time

How's he doing?

I was just wondering if your little guy is doing any better. I'm also new to the snake keeping thing, but I'm a tech in a vet hospital and one of our vets sees reptiles. I would have to agree with the agvice given by the others. Let him decide when and how much to move, and don't feed him til he seems better. Did the vet take any x-rays? Thats a really easy way to get an idea of how much damage was done, even if they don't know much about reptiles. Also, most vets don't charge for phone calls and the reptile specialist will probably be able to give you some advice over the phone if you can't come in. Thats what our hospital does anyway. Accidents do happen, you'd be surprised how often people run over their own dog. Anyway, I hope your baby is doing better!:)
Yeah, he definetly seems to be doing better. He moves around his tank regularly (albeit with difficulty, he still drags his lower half), he's drinking and accepting pinkies, and he has pooped. Generally carrying out most things as normal :)

Quite the relief!!

Thanks for all the advice here guys, I appreciate it!