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Interested in my Finger


New member
Just corious. at night when my snake is active, well when he is in his hide, but his head is poking out, if I put my fingers up to the glass he will come out, and over the them. he follows it a biit, but if I move it quickly he goes back into his hide. it is only at night that he pays attention to me. He doesnt really react when I have my hands in the Viv doing stuff.

Is there a reason that he follows my finger, or is it just one of those things?
It COULD be that he's hungry (one of my buddies corns follows her finger when he wants to be fed), but I'm guessing he's just a social snake and is coming out to say hello. ;)
i never tried...

to get norbert to follow my finger, but saturday night my friend was over and the snake was out of his hide chillin' out and she put her finger near the glass and started moving it around and then turned to me and said "he's following my finger!" and it was the truth. very interesting. i would have to assume it's a curiousity thing.
most snakes will follow any movement...whether it is your finger, body as you walk by the viv, or something blowing in the wind. Don't know why...Probably curious to see what it is, or just making sure that it isn't a predetor or something else that poses a threat.

All of my snakes follow my hand/finger/arm when I am working in or around the vivs.
OMFG!!!!!!!!!! NO one has seen CAV in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
It's time for mass hysteria on the forums!
lol :p
Azruial said:
OMFG!!!!!!!!!! NO one has seen CAV in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
It's time for mass hysteria on the forums!
lol :p

:rofl: :laugh01: :roflmao:

True...I don't think that I have gone a day with out seing CAV on here...wonder who ran him off.
Much as I've tried, I've never been successful at getting Max to follow my finger. Or anything else, for that matter.

Okay, I admit it. CAV is under my bed.