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Interesting Hybrid


Old School Snakeman
Kinda speaks for itself. Went right into the Albino Yellow Rat breeding program.


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Dave picked him up at a pet store so no clue on parentage. He was a trade in. After some looking around and help from other, it has been determined he w/o a doubt majority Motley Caramel Corn. Some say pure, pics don't do him complete justice but I can see some obseleta in his background.

she did breed in 2012. I kept three, two males and a female. The female died. One male looks like a normal yellow, one an Everglades. She resides at Reptile World Serpentarium cause I can't get her back. George loves her and she is a staple at educational shows.
George has three as well, the rest we sold or traded.
I saw one of these at a petsmart in town labelled a normal corn. So pretty, so not a normal corn (they also have the lifespan listed as 3-5 years, which will be a surprise to anyone who buys it).