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Is 8g ok for a 3/4 month old cornsnake?


New member
We've had our cornsnake for just over two and a half weeks now and weighed him last week for the first time. He registered as 8g and we've just re-weighed him (a week later) and he was 10g.

What I'd like to know is - is 8g normal for a 3 to 4 month old corn (the shop didn't know how old he was for definite)? They were feeding him a pinkie once a week, and after reading Roy Munson's plan I have upped this to every 5 days. Are we doing the right thing, or should we be offering him more?

We feed him in a separate container to his viv and it only takes seconds for him to notice the pinkie and he wolfs it down :spinner: so he's obviously hungry, and we've not yet had any problems with regurges.

Also, his poops are tiny - probably about fly size - is this normal?

Sorry for the questions, but we're first time snake owners and want to do this right. I've read loads on this forum and others, but can't find answers to these questions anywhere, though I have certainly learnt loads of other useful information - sorry if I've missed something on here but I have honestly spent hours and hours searching.

Thanks for your help :bird:
I am no expert but everthing sounds fine to me. If you follow the Munson plan you will be fine. You could feed your snake every 4 days as long as he will take it.

Sounds like you have a happy, healthy baby corn there ! <G> All sounds good as gold, a hatchling that eats so readily is always a plus.
Thanks for your answers. I'll stop worrying about his weight then, but I'm sure I'll find something else to worry about instead :laugh: It seems that the more I read, the more I find to worry about!

Don't worry be happy. Seriously though, it is heart warming to hear that you are so concerned and it is good because the more people that join in this type of hobby the better for reptiles worldwide.
You are also at the right place to have your concerns addressed, there are a good few genuine experts on this forum.
Best of luck with your little guy and don't be scared to ask, there is no such thing as a stupid question.

I'm sure I'll find something else to worry about instead It seems that the more I read, the more I find to worry about!

I know that feeling Zannah. I've had Corns for 16 years and they still keep finding new things for me to tear my hair out over!

But I love 'em to bits and wouldn't have it any other way.
Thanks everyone for your input. Isn't it great to have somewhere to go to ask questions, and no-one treats you as stupid for asking them!

Thank you
Sounds like you are doing fine. Cutting the pinky will help him digest it better and grow quicker as well.

I do 3 or 4 V shaped snips down the back with scissors, the V pointing towards the tail so they don't get stuck under the skin when swallowing it.

This allows the digestive acids to get right at the inside of the prey without having to eat their way through the skin first.
Unless they eat tail first of course!!

Thanks for the advice, though I'm only just getting used to feeding mice to the snake and don't think I'm ready to start cutting into a pinkie yet. If the day comes that my snake needs help I'll have to do it, but I'm in no hurry :)
I think weight is relative. If the animal looks healthy and is eating well, then that weight is good for it. I have hatchlings now that are at 8 grams when they hatched. I haven't weighed them since so I don't know how much weight they've gained since then. Even if your animal was small for it's age when you got it, it will easily catch up under a normal feeding schedule. Every 4-5 days while on pinkies and then every week once on fuzzies and he'll do fine! Congrats on having a nice healthy good eater!
i have septemver hatch lavamels, one is 10 grams.. eats every week, been on 2 pinks for about 5/6 meals.. one feed per week.. so your situation is fine i would say.